英语人>网络例句>偏 相关的搜索结果

与 偏 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We show that some results obtained in themonopoly case do not extend to the duopolistic equilibrium. In the latter equilibrium, there may be too many or too few branded products, and either over-or under-spending on advertising may occur.


According the experiential formulas of headbox to design the stepped diffuser headbox's geometry parameters. Supposing Paper suspension flow as potential flow and basing on hydrokinetic and computational fluid dynamics theories, we can solve the elliptoid partial differential equations which are followed by the flow functions and the potential functions by finite element method and simulate the flow's speed distribution with pde toolbox of matlab software. The simulate results and the flow analysis have good precision.

按照流浆箱的经验设计公式,设计阶梯扩散式流浆箱的各组件几何参数,以流体动力学、计算流体力学等理论为基础,假定浆流的流动为势流,采用有限元法求解浆流流动时其流函数和速度势函数所符合的椭圆型微分方程,应用matlab软件的微分方程工具包pde toolbox,模拟出所设计的流浆箱各组件内的浆流的流场流速分布,模拟结果与数值计算流动分析结果吻合。

In this paper, we mainly study extensions of partial order and finitely totally order for partially ordered semirings, and obtain some new results.


Secondly, the paper carries on the destruction processes and the stress distribution situation numerical simulation of the concrete three point bending specimen with bias crack under static load function,, and analyze specimen crack expansion and the destruction mechanism, obtain the reason that the crack expanding flectional way is because the material nonuniformity, in the same time, from the specimen destruction process chart we can see that the crack bias degree has some influence on the crack expansion way.


To obtain precise result, itis necessary, in the aspect of hardware, to set up one stable optics system with highSNR, only if so, can we do the measurement with the steady NIR. To do so, we designthe optics system using AOTF, and take some measures to increase the light energyand the system SNR, which includes the three layers structure of the light chamber,the equipments to cover the useless light, polarizing to reduce the influence of 0 gradelight and focalize the light with lens. Apart from the hardware aspect, according to theexperiments, we can see that the different temperatures between at setting up themodels and at predicting the results will affect the prediction results in a way, and theaffection extent will be increased along with the increase of the temperaturedifference. Moreover, the light energy that can be detected will be different with thecontact pressure, and the match of the refractive indexes between the tissue and thesurroundings will enhance the light transmission depth, which will take moreinformation of the tissue. So, during the measurement, we should ensure the sametemperature between measuring and predicting, the same contact pressure at everymeasurement and the match of the indexes between the tissue and the surroundings aspossible as we can.

要提高测量精度,从硬件方面就必须有一个稳定的、信噪比较高的分光光路系统,以此得到稳定的近红外光来进行无创检测,针对这个目的,我们设计了 AOTF 分光光路系统,并在系统中采用一定的措施如三层灯室结构、遮光筒以减小杂散光、起和检来减小 0 级光影响、透镜汇聚等等来提高出射光的能量和系统的信噪比;从其他影响因素方面,通过实验,我们得到不同的建模温度对于预测结果有一定的影响,且影响随着温度的差值越大而越大,另外散反射光谱的能量也随着接触压力的不同而不同,组织的折射率与环境匹配将加大光的入射深度,从而能携带更多的组织信息,所以在测量时我们尽可能保证同一温度、保证同一接触压力以及利用物理或者化学的方法使组织与环境折射率匹配等。

Phorias are sometimes called latent strabismus , yet there is a fundamental difference between eyes which drift when fusion is artificially eliminated , and eyes which remain crossed because fusional reflexes never developed.


In the studies of linkage map construction,we found that the estimation of genotypedata couldn't approach to the real data properly,even using equation systems consideringzygotic and gametic selector.It hints there were other segregation factors didn't beestimated.


Segregation distortion regions (clusters of 3-6 makers) were detected on 5 chromosomes, indicating that possible causes for segregation deviation of molecular markers are gametic selection.


Palynoflora was characterized by the predominant appearance of gymnospermous elements.


Objective 1 To investigate the incidence of neglect syndrome and hemianopia after brain damage, and explore the influence factors of the incidence of neglect syndrome and relations between neglect syndrome and brain damage location, and also neglect syndrome and hemianopia.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
