英语人>网络例句>偏 相关的搜索结果

与 偏 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On entering Wollaston prism lidar backscattering light divides into o-ray and e-ray, which polarization is affected by voltage of Pocksels cell, transmission rate of optical system can be modulated by voltage because of correlation between transmission rate of optical system and polarization direction of light.


In one of these styles, the input light is linearly polarized having an angle of 45° with respect to the birefringence axis of the fiber, and the Wollaston prism is parallel to the birefringence axis.


Also, some joysticks can have their handle twisted left and right to control the yaw axis.


The color of the maxillary anterior teeth is related to tooth position, the central incisor is the lightest but the canine is the darkest, and the canine is redder, yellower, and has the highest Chroma


As a result of copper and zinc in the moon dust content, refineness fat…etc, interventioal, zincic refineness is zincic reaumuria; the provision of high, its color is green, it sold in the market of powdered gold of the red powder, she has grown up powder, monochamus powdered gold.


In the light of sea regions where El Nino events occurred, ENSO events are separated into two categories- the equatorial Pacific warming and the mid-Pacific counterpart, which exert influence directly on a WPSH through a Walker circulation asymmetrical zonally, in such a way that there an El Nino year- a weak Walker circulation- a more intense and southward WPSH-late onset of South-China sea summer monsoon - a more southward and vigorous summer WPSH- the mid-lower valleys of the Yangtze river hit by flood.

上述两种类型的ENSO均可直接通过纬向非对称的Walker环流直接对西太平洋副高产生影响,表现为:El Nino年—Walker环流弱—西太平洋副高强、南—南海夏季风爆发晚-夏季西太平洋副高南、强—长江中下游涝。

The many hybrid wheat combinations were bred by 4 male sterile types of alloplasmic wheat with Ae.kotschyi,Ae.variabilis,Ae.ventricosa and Ae.bicornis cytoplasms and some restoring lines,and their seed qualities were analysed.


They are all fresh water, however, new snow is extreme soft water, neutro-acidic, old snow is extreme soft awater, neutro-alkaline, and river water is alkaline soft water.


The polarizer having high polarizing activities and durability to heat and moisture was prepared by dipping the newly synthesized azoxy dye into oriented and stretched polyvinyl alcohol film.


Test of electrochemical methods Benzylidene acetone, formaldehyde, compound additive D, ammonium metavanadate solution of acid sulfate tin polarization curves, test ammonium metavanadate on the open circuit potential acid sulfate solution of tin.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
