英语人>网络例句>偏 相关的搜索结果

与 偏 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To the problem of unbiasedness of L 1 estimation,basing on uniqueness of solution,Zhou Shijiang proved it according to dual theorem of linear programming; and Wang Zhizhong proved it according to probability statistics theorem by using the method from special to general; also,basing on error distribution theorem and probability statistics theorem,the authors proved it.

对于L1 估计的无性问题,周世健基于解法的惟一性,根据线性规划的对偶理论,证明了L1 估计的无性[5] ;王志忠根据数理统计理论,采用由特殊情形推广到一般情形的方法,证明了L1 估计的无性[6] 。

In this paper,a numerical solution for radial journal bearings with liquid hydro-dynamic lubrication is analysed, numerical expressions for oil fiton pressure, bearing capacity , friction moment,and leakage at the bearing ends are derived,bearing capacity,flow rate, friction moment,and eccentric angle of the load under 14 different temperatures and 14 different load eccentricities are calculated.


Higher value of mean endomorphy and mean mesomorphy showed male students had much fat and more developed skeletal and muscle systems than female students. Compared with other regions, college students in Qingdao area were fatter,and skeletal and muscle systems were poorly developed. The comparison of the mean ectomorphy and the body length/body weight showed that the male was close to the female on the body linearity.


The somatotypes developed from Mesomorph-Ectomorphy to Ectomorphic Mesomorphy in male; however, it was from Ectomorphic Mesomorphy, Central, Balanced Ectomorphy, Balanced Endomorphy to Mesomorphic Endomorphy in female. Conclusion: The somatotypes of Tibetan adolescents in Naqu are slim with little fat; musculo-skeletal system is not well developed.


Comparing with FWM without dressing fields,the strength of the singly-dressing FWM signal is suppressed when the modulation-field is linear or elliptically polarized.


The influence of DC bias current from Ib = 0mA to Ib = 5mA on the GMI effect in the glass-covered wires annealed by 70mA DC current is investigated.


The measurement method of the polarization grade for the source and depolarization and the concept of the polarization error for the illuminance meter are described.


The measurement method of the polarization grade for the source and de polarization and the concept of the polarization error for the illuminance meter are described.


Bring about air temperature of plain change area the reason of unusual change is very much, the sea expresses Pacific Ocean of equatorial middle east temperature is unusual on the high side the on the high side that can cause this area air temperature northing of high pressure of; South Asia and intertropical Pacific Ocean sea lifts lukewarmly on the west , through the influence subtropic circle system all can cause on the high side of air temperature of plain change area .


Since Leptokurtosis, skewness and fat-tail are always used to depict market risk, this paper introduces the improved Laplace distribution to risk management of stock portfolio. Empirical results show, improved Laplace distribution and asymmetric Laplace distribution are similar for estimating Leptokurtosis, while improved Laplace distribution is better for estimating skewness.In order to analyze the correlation between return distribution and volatility, the thesis uses ARCH-M Models to simulate the return series of China's Stock Market and developed markets ao as to discover the relation between investment return and time-varying risk.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
