英语人>网络例句>倒闭 相关的搜索结果


与 倒闭 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The teashop won't survive if all customers sit here and buy nothing. And for customers we would have no room to sit, read and drink.


Consumers are already twitchy in America, where bank failures are rising and the nation's deposit-insurance fund faces a potential shortfall.


She says she's heard of the problems American workers face as manufacturers close their factories, but she doesn't think it's because China's undercutting them on price.


Why? Firstly, the inventory fix the invested financial. Secondly, apparel product is unperishable fashion product that means the decrease demand significantly at the end of selling season, i.e. its value is inverse rate with time.


Only better regulation can untether economies from the fickle fortunes of finance – through resolution regimes to let big banks fail smoothly and stronger counter-cyclical capital rules to damp the cycle of credit bubbles.


Only better regulation can untether economies from the fickle fortunes of finance ndash; through resolution regimes to let big banks fail smoothly and stronger counter-cyclical capital rules to damp the cycle of credit bubbles.


Prowling the streets, a cruel gray fog engulfing Wall Street, a "war free" edition of The New York Times, a character stranded on the dying International Space Station, strange and valuable vaselike objects called chaldrons, colossal cheeseburgers and some extremely potent marijuana.


Mr. and Mrs. Wainwright came from Chicago, where they had both worked as window dressers for adepartment store. The store had closed down or had decided that it didn't need so many windowsdressed—whatever had happened, they had lost their jobs and come here, to live in Mrs. Eddy's houseand try to set up a wallpapering business.


The injured captain, lying in the bow, was at this time buried in that profound dejection and indifference which comes, temporarily at least, to even the bravest and most enduring when, wilily nilly, the firm fails, the army loses, the ship goes down.


Bank of East Asia said yest- erday that its total outstanding exposures to Lehman Brothers and AIG, HK$422.8m and HK$49.9m respectively, were small.


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Because the relationship between the roller with ink performance, a printing plate to business card printing and membership card making text, pattern of clarity.


Intuitively, Urban Maximum Flux Principle is to calculate or sense interplays, correlations or complexity of relational reality, and then maximize it under constraints.


The perfect sunshine afternoon is completed with the Little Love Song sung by Sodagreen. I wrote down those murmurs sharing my peaceful mood with you. Your strapped rainy city exchanged whisper words with my sunny weather here in york: the babyblue sky, the milk-white tender clouds. How haven't youlistend to sodagreen yet? such a cyan you ^^ this is the image you create for me.
