英语人>网络例句>倒闭 相关的搜索结果


与 倒闭 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A stockbroking firm in Sheung Wan is believed to have folded, and police are searching for its owner.


Indeed one reform that could be helpful is to close down Strasbourg and have one seat of government.


But, the problem with stripping toxic assets from failing banks is their prices.


Japan also avoided moral hazard by studiously avoiding the classification of any bank as 'too big to fail.


This will lead to yet more swingeing write-downs and desperate capital-raising—and more household names will go under.


After a week of national wailing and gnashing of teeth, Alitalia could be reborn with staff on 60% of their old, bloated pay rates, as a regional adjunct of the powerful Air France-KLM group, rather in the way that Swiss emerged from Swissair's collapse as a short-haul feeder in the Star Alliance group, based around Lufthansa and United Airlines.


This kind of systole is to belong to strategy model contractive, not be a website washed-up should close down, resemble a snake same, it wants winter sleep, but not be to should die certainly.


Although MITS soon folded, Microsoft attracted new customers including such fledgling hardware firms like Apple and Commodore, as well as the Tandy Corporation.

虽然MITS很快倒闭,但是微软又和许多新的客户签订了合同,其中包括成立不久的苹果电脑、 Commodore和Tandy公司。

He company said the economic crisis and tenon was convinced to business card printing and membership card making caused serious enterprise, in the past year, there were a record registration in home business card printing and membership card-making enterprises on the brink of closure — an average of 24 hours, there's one more business card printing and membership card making enterprise to close down.


Tenon was convinced to Recovery-in-charge of the company's UK said: Carl Jackson " affected by the impact of economic crisis, many business card printing and membership card making enterprise has trouble making ends meet, this is the main reason why they are closed down."

Tenon Recovery公司的英国负责人卡尔·杰克逊说:"受经济危机的影响,很多制卡和会员卡制作企业都出现了入不敷出的状况,这也是造成它们倒闭的主要原因。"

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
