英语人>网络例句>倒的 相关的搜索结果


与 倒的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the quiet of that place even the voice of the surf is reduced to a whispered echo and the sounds of the forest are but the ghosts of sound--the faint sighing of evergreen needles in the moving air; the creaks and heavier groans of half-fallen trees resting against their neighbors and rubbing bark against bark; the light rattling fall of a dead branch broken under the feet of a squirrel and sent bounding and ricocheting earthward.


In the quiet of that place even the voice of the surf is reduced to a whispered echo and the sounds of the forest are but the ghosts of sound----the faint sighing of evergreen needles in the moving air; the creaks and heavier groans of half-fallen trees resting against their neighbors and rubbing bark against bark; the light rattling fall of a dead branch broken under the feet of a squirrel and sent bounding and ricocheting earthward.


In the quiet of those socate even the voice of the surf is reduced to a whispered echo and the corrects of the forest are not but the ghosts of correct----the faint sighing of evergreen commandles in the moving air; the creaks and heavier groans of half-fallen leaves resting one more timest theirs neighbors and rubbing bark one more timest bark; the light rattling fall of a dead branch broken under the foot of a squirrel and sent bounding and ricocheting earthward.


This is a world in which hard-heartedness stands in the way of God's work, where foolish arguments twist the message of Christ, where people take advantage of each other, where promises are broken and blood is spilled.


Though this serene setting from Mark Word Design in west Texas features a swimming pool, we're most captivated by the gorgeous lily pad pond.

在德克萨斯西部,Mark Word Design打造出了这一片宁静的天地。虽然它的主要特色是有一个泳池,能让我们迷倒的却是漂着绚丽的睡莲浮叶的池塘。

Nicholas Kenner nailed me - again - at last year's meeting, pointing out that I had said in the 1990 annual report that he was 11 in May 1990, when actually he was 9. So, asked Nicholas rather caustically:"If you can't get that straight, how do I know the numbers in the back are correct?" I'm still searching for a snappy response. Nicholas will be at this year's meeting - he spurned my offer of a trip to Disney World on that day - so join us to watch a continuation of this lop-sided battle of wits.

去年股东会 Nicholas Kenner 又杠上我了,他表示:"我在去年 1990 年报中表示他在 1990 年 5 月 11 号满十岁,但事实上他那时才刚满 9 岁",他接着又用很嘲讽的语气说:"如果你连这个都搞不清楚,我如何还能相信你报告中的其他数字是正确的"到现在我还在想如何做出一个有力的回答,今年 Nicholas 还会出席,他拒绝了我邀请他当天到迪士尼乐园玩的建议,所以请大家继续好好观赏这一面倒的机智问答。

To associate aseismic design idea that"no damage under light earthquake, reparable under medium degree earthquake and no collapse under intense earthquake"with design method based on damage property, the thesis adopted different damage limit values to control structural damages at different levels so that the designed structure can embody the substantial need of aseismic design based on damage property.


Government's commercial banks "big but not inverted" stealth commitments, capital of commercial banks to make up again and again, the central bank in macroeconomic regulation and control in multi-take into account the interests of commercial banks, commercial banks weakened self-responsibility.


Twigs crackled under his feet, logs tripped him, funguses on stumps resembled caricatures, and startled him for the moment by their likeness to something familiar and far away; but that was all fun, and exciting.


An electrician burdened with 12 daughters persuades his employer to give him a motorcycle; a servant sleeps her way into maintaining her position in a Lahore household; a down-at-heel woman pleads for a post with a distant rich relation.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
