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与 修补 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The three principal theories by which theologians attempt to explain the atonement are the following:(1) the Anselmian or sacrificial, that the atonement consists fundamentally in Christ's sacrifice for the sins of humanity;(2) the remedial, that God, through the incarnation, entered into humanity so as to eliminate sin by the ethical process of Christ's life and death and make the human race at one with himself; and (3) the Socinian or moral influence, that Christ's work consists in influencing people to lead better lives.

三个主要理论,其中神学家尝试去解释赎罪有以下几方面:( 1 ) anselmian或祭祀,即赎罪组成,从根本上,在基督的牺牲,为捷联惯导系统的人性;( 2 )修补,即上帝通过化身,进入人类藉以消除罪恶中的伦理过程中的基督的生命和死亡,使人类在一个与自己;( 3 ) socinian或道义上的影响力,是基督的工作是在影响人,以更美好的生活。

No Ⅲ° atrioventricular conduction block happened, 9 patients developed right bundle branch block, and 2 patients showed junctional rhythm. Two patients with perimembranous extending outlet were repaired because of residual shunt(0.4cm,0.3cm) on the anterosuperior rim of defect. One patient with trivial residual shunt(0.15cm) on the posteroinferior rim of defect was found closed spontaneously six months later. Tricuspid valve was incised in 10 patients of VSD sextending outlet,8 patients vertical to the valve ring,2 patients parallel to the valve ring. Moderate tricuspid valve regurgitation was found in 1 patient, mild in 5 patients, trivial in 4 patients. No one aggravated. One patient complicated with pericardial effusion.


Objective To explore the indications of operation and curative effects of autologous fat transplantation in myringoplasty.

目的 探讨自体脂肪移植在鼓膜修补中的适应证及疗效。

In this matrix that is cobbled together through research, the creation myth of the Bagobo is re-performed visually, its figures molded delicately in sawdust, flourishing from the ground and conquering the space of exhibition with a multitude of personas and incidents whirling in a deep cosmos and coming to us in our time.


DAP thanked the swift action taken by the KK City Hall to replace the drain grating at Inanam Baru.


Artistry Time Defiance Intensive Repair Serum uses advanced biotechnology to simulate the T4 Endonuclease produced by natural marine algae, and applies capsulation technology to deliver essential nutrients deep down to the inner layer of the skin. It helps to provide a more effective skincare function, repairing and restoring damaged DNA cells in the skin and eradicating the root of ageing problems.

雅姿特效滋养活颜14以先进生化科技模拟天然海藻中具修补功能的T4酵素,运用微脂囊传送系统的技术,以胶囊携带活性成分进入肌肤深层,提供更深入、更快速的滋养效果,重建肌肤表皮和真皮中受损细胞的 DNA,让肌肤细胞健康再造,从根本杜绝肌肤老化问题。

Objective To study the effect on vaginal hysterectomy with anterior and posterior colporrhaphy for edgreeⅠ°~Ⅱ° of uterine prolapse.

目的 探讨经阴道子宫全切及前后壁修补术治疗Ⅰ~Ⅲ度子宫脱垂的疗效。

The concept of comparison with probability was also introduced based on NDPSO, and then the stochastic repairing operator was constructed for heuristic search to solve the Winner Determination Problem in combinatory auction.


There are grade Ⅰ spleen rupture in 13 cases, grade Ⅱ in 7cases, grade Ⅲ in 3 cases by American association for surgery of trauma. Results: In OBPTS, 23 cases were complected splenorrhaphy. Average operation time was 65min, average spleen pit drain blood after operation was 110ml, and average hospitalization after operation was 8d.


Provider agrees that: it shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify Recipient, its successors and customers against any claims of infringement (including patent, trademark, copyright, industrial design right, or other proprietary right, or misuse or misappropriation of trade secret) and resulting damages and expenses including attorney's and other professional fees arising in any way in relation to Services or Deliverables contracted and expressly waives any claim against Recipient that relates to infringement arising out of compliance with Recipient's specifications;(b Recipient or Recipient's subcontractor has the right to repair, rework, or rebuild the specific Deliverables delivered under this contract without payment of any royalty to Provider; unless otherwise expressly authorized by Recipient in writing, Services and Deliverables based on Recipient's drawings and/or specifications may not be used for any purpose other than for this contract or provided to any third party; and any intellectual property rights arising from this contract, including but not limited to, manuscripts, discoveries, designs, inventions or innovation written, conceived, discovered or made by Provider, its subcontractor, or employees, whether they can be copyrightable or patentable, shall belong to Recipient.

知识产权 Intellectual Property 提供方同意:就任何源于本合同的服务或交付成果而产生的侵权索赔(包括专利、商标、版权、工业设计权或其它所有权,或滥用、盗用商业秘密)和由此产生的损害赔偿和费用(包括律师费和其他专业费用),提供方应为接受方及其继承者和客户辩护,保护其免受损害并进行赔偿;提供方明示放弃任何针对接受方的源于执行接受方规格的侵权索赔;接受方或接受方的分包商有权修补、重组、重造、或使用根据本合同所交付的服务或交付成果,而无须向提供方支付任何特许权使用费;除非得到接受方明确书面许可,根据接受方要求提供的交付成果不可用作非本合同项下的其他用途,或提供给任何第三方;因履行本合同所产生的知识产权,包括但不限于提供方、其分包商,及其雇员所书写、构思、发现或制作的所有文稿、发现成果、设计方案、发明或革新,无论其是否能取得版权或专利权,都应归接受方所有。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
