- 推荐网络例句
The results showed that in the exercise group had significant improvements in BMD of L2-4, number of sit-ups and push-ups in one minute, strength and knee extensors, and maximal oxygen consumption after 24 weeks, while decreases in strength of knee extensors and endurance of trunk flexors.
所有的受试者在研究期间均不得改变其药物、饮食或生活型态,并在24 周的前、复接受躯干肌和膝伸肌之肌力与耐力、一分钟仰卧起坐和伏地挺身、身龙组成、最大摄氧量以及三处骨密度 L2-4股骨头和远端股骨)的测量结果显示两组间在L2 -4 骨密度
On the other hand, if you like to travel light and don't feel like lugging two or three pounds (1 to 1.3 Kg) of camera gear round your neck then look for one of the new generation of ultra compact lightweight DSLRs - some of which tip the scales at not much more than 20 oz / 0.5 Kg with a small lens.
另一方面,如果你喜欢轻装上阵,不想挂2~3磅(1~1.3公斤)的相机在脖子上,那么可以去找一款新一代的轻便DSLR—它们镜头很小,重量不会超过20 oz / 0.5Kg。
And rather than representing forward-looking reform, Cohen has noted a similarity between the 'Three Supremes' and the pre-1949 Communist Party focus on following the 'mass line' in liberated areas.