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Besides,interaction of preinvasion of Phytophthora in festans and variousplants was studied by using modified cellulose membrane technique.Potato tuberand leaf promoted both the zoospore germination and appressorium formation,or-ange fruit only promoted the zoospore germination and no effect on appressoriumformation.While onion bulb inhibited the both zoospore germination and appresso-rium formation.


For 480 days of decomposition, the decomposition rate was highest in soil with medium fertility and lowest in soil with low fertility among three type of fertility. The decomposition of water soluble factions and lignin were promoted in medium fertility soil. However, alcohol-benzene soluble fraction, and semi-cellulose and cellulose fraction were decayed acceleratedly in soil with high fertility. Furthermore, more humic substance was formed and energy states of decayed corn stalk was highest in soil with high fertility.

腐解480 d,3种肥力间比较发现,玉米秸秆在中等肥力田块上矿化率最高,低肥力田块上的最低;中等肥力土壤能够促进玉米秸秆中的水溶性有机组分和木质素的分解,而高肥力土壤能够促进苯–醇溶性组分和半纤维素、纤维素分解,并有利于腐殖物质的形成,而且腐解物的能态最高。

In chromatin immunoprecipitation assay, we found that CBP/p300 could acetylate histones on IL-5 promoter, resulting in increased accessibility of the open chromatin to the transcriptional machinery and therefore promoted gene transcription.


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A novel submicron particle agglomeration technique was developed to control the emission of submicron particle.The submicron particles were agglomerated by an agglomerant solution which was sprayed into the inlet of electrostatic precipitator, thus, the agglomerated submicron particles could be captured by the dust collecting equipment.


The mechanisms of these actions may be involved in anti-exitotoxicity of aminoglutaric acid, regulating the synthesis of nitric oxide, antioxidation, antiinflammatory, inhibiting neuron apoptosis, accelerating angiogenesis, neurogenesis, neurotrophy and others.


These results indicated that the increasing of the nitrate reductase activity stimulated flower-bud to pass during physiological and moephological differentiation stage. The decreasing of nitrate reductase activity and the increasing of ammoniacal nitrogen content stimulated the plants to blossom.


Objective: To explore the correct position nursing, which can promote the rehabilitation of the patients of cerebral apoplexy by accelerating the recovery of limbs function, preventing bedsore, hypostatic pneumonia, avoiding the occurrence of spastic mode, secondary articular contracture deformity and amyotrophia.

A+VB2N L 摘要:目的:探讨正确的体位护理,促进脑卒中患者的肢体功能恢复,防止褥疮、坠积性肺炎、预防痉挛模式的出现及继发性关节挛缩、畸形及肌萎缩,促进患者的康复。

Objective: To explore the correct position nursing, which can promote the rehabilitation of the patients of cerebral apoplexy by accelerating the recovery of limbs function, preventing bedsore, hypostatic pneumonia, avoiding the occurrence of spastic mode, secondary articular contracture deformity and amyotrophia.


DCs acquired by our reformed methods express both CD83 and CD 14 molecules highly, and have a higher density than other domestic reports. The higher TNF in DCs culture medium of HC patient suggests DCs in patient still have antigen presenting ability and by optimization the culture medium would improve its presenting ability and have a potential value in design and application individual vaccine. Although antigens pulsed DCs have a decrescent antigen presenting ability but BCG HSP70 could induce its mature and improve its presenting ability. Suggests BCG HSP70 would be a useful mature inducer. Lymphocytes primed by DCs based HC vaccine have the specific cytotoxicity against HCC lines. The CTL after freezing and anabiotic could prophylaxis and therapy HC xenograft on nude mouse. The results also suggests that CD4〓 lymphocytes play a important role in HC with a good differentiation and would be useful in treatment this kind of HC. After being activated by Peptide LLNQHACAV of hAFP and apoptotic HCCs pulsed DCs respectively, the culture medium of activated lymphocytes both contains a high level Th1 cytokines IL-12 and TNF. Primed lymphocytes appeared a characteristic of NK cells. DCs not only inhibited the growth of human HCC and other cancer cells in vitro but also prevented the growth of HC xenograft on nude mouse in vivo. There are at least three kinds of mechanism playing important role in DC based vaccine ,there are inhibition of DCs, HC specific CTL and cytokines pathway.

诱导出的DC共同表达CD83和CD14分子,CD83分子表达明显高于国内报道;肝癌患者DC培养上清中TNF水平高于健康人,提示肝癌患者DC仍具一定的抗原呈递能力,适当调控可使其行使APC功能,以期在肝癌个体化疫苗中发挥作用;DC负载肝癌可溶性抗原后,抗原呈递能力降低,BCG HSP70可促进DC成熟,增加其抗原呈递能力,预示BCG HSP70有可能成为促进DC活化和成熟的另一重要分子;肝癌DC疫苗在体外诱导肝癌特异性淋巴细胞,活化的淋巴细胞在体外对肝癌细胞的杀伤以特异性CTL为主,同时分泌较高水平Th1型细胞因子IL-12和TNF,并抑制4种肝癌细胞生长;冷冻复苏后的肝癌特异性淋巴细胞可以预防和抑制人肝癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤,提示DC负载肝癌可溶性抗原后诱发的MHC-Ⅱ类限制性CD4〓T细胞有可能在分化程度高的肝癌治疗中发挥作用;用DC和HLA-A2〓DC分别负载凋亡肝癌细胞和hAFP218-226位LLNQHACAV HLA-A2限制性九肽,在体外诱导肝癌特异性淋巴细胞,活化后的CTL细胞分泌较高水平的Th1型细胞因子IL-12和TNF,并具较强杀伤活性,此CTL同时具备NK细胞特征;DC对肿瘤细胞的抑制作用可能是通过吞噬实现的,Fas-L在DC抑制中也起一定作用;DC对人肝癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤的抑制率为97%;在肝癌DC疫苗的作用中,至少联合3种以上机制,即通过DC的直接作用、肝癌特异性CTL和细胞因子途径直接或间接地杀伤和抑制肝癌细胞。

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I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


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