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与 促进...的生长 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whereas its mechanism of effect was diverse, but they all attach the aim which alleviative the salt damage, this illuminate that the direct mechanism of improving the salt tolerance through exogenous substance is not only.


Wtp53 has obvious antiblastic effect towards Y79 cells, and the apoptosis rate of Y79 cells was the highest after transfection mediated by ultrasound-microbubble.


The expression level of metabolitic enzyme (CYP1A1, CYP1B1) and its correlation with cell differentiation /apoptosis were studied as well. The influence of resveratrol in cell cycle was determined with FCM. Results 1 Resveratrol not only suppresses the growth of medulloblastoma cells in a dose and time related fashion but also induces cell differentiation and apoptosis. Resveratrol promotes differention of UW228-1,-2 cells to forward glia, UW228-3 and Med-3 cells to neuron. A treatment of resveratrol in the concentration of 100μM for 48hrs comit most of cells die of apoptosis. 2 Among the four cell lines Fas and Caspase-3 were constantly expessed, whereas FasL was absent irrespective to the drug treatment. 3 ICC, RT-PCR, Western-blot hybridization and EROD enzymatic activity assay demonstrated that expression of CYP1A1 is different after treatment with resveratrol in four cell lines, up-regulated in three UW228 cell lines in a dose dependent manner but down-regulated in Med-3 cells. Suppressive effect of resveratrol on CYP1B1 expression is the same among four medulloblatoma cell lines. 4 Cell cycle distribution of UW228-3 was greatly changed after treatment.


Field experiment showed that coating agent with uniconazole (No2 uniconazole seed-coating agent) could significantly defend cucumber seedlings agaist damping-off, inhibit vertical growth and strengthen in thickness of young seedlings. It could blossom early, significantly increase fruit numbers per plant and yields of early stage and total yield. After coating cauliflower seeds by No2 uniconazole seed-coating agent, the uniconazole coating did not affect emergence rate, reduced damping-off disease incidence, increased stem diameter and fresh weight of seedling underground parts.


According to several years practice, comprehensively sum up measures of forcing culture technology of scale and dwarf on potted Bougainvillea as: a propagation of cuttage, which choose a mixture of 50%peat, 33% vermiculite and 17 sharp sand as cutting soil, and choose a semi-wooden shoot cut into 5~10cm length with 2~3 leaves as cuttings then touch 1% AA root powder, is lower cost and higher survival rate than that of tissue culture; Bougainvillea growth can be efficaciously regulated by pruning and using 2~5g/L PP333; bougainvillea can be induced to flowers by spraying 2.5~4.0g/L B9 and administering no more 11 hours daylight every day continuously; the florescence can be more prolonged about 20 days by spraying 50mg/L NAA while selling; and prevention and cure of pest and disease, etc.

根据多年的生产实践,从科学育苗、栽培管理、售前处理和病虫害防治等方面综合总结了叶子花的规模化矮化促成生产技术措施:选择泥炭土、蛭石和黄沙按3:2:1比例混合均匀的扦插基质,采用半木质化当年生枝条,剪成5~10cm长的2~3叶节一段,沾染1%自制生根粉的扦插育苗较组培育苗成本低,成活率高;结合修剪用2~5g/L的多效唑进行叶面喷洒能有效控制生长,矮化植株;选择2.5~4.0的丁酰肼叶面喷洒和每天保持不多于11h的短日照处理,能有效促进开花;销售前全株喷洒脱50mg/L NAA可延长花期20天左右;整个生产过程加强肥水管理、温湿度控制和环境清洁能有效防治病虫害发生。

Under normal temperature.the Ca2+-ATPase activity was found on the innerside of the PM.on the vacuole envelope and the chloroplast envelope,and theenzyme activity declined upon heat stress.The Ca2+-ATPase activity on the vacuoleenvelope,PM.and the chloroplast envelope in both Ca2+-and oxalate-treated peppermesophyll cells was higher than that in the control under the same condition.TheCa2+-ATPase was also found at the granum lamella,and it was activatedsignificantly by exogenous Ca2+ and oxalate treatments.Under heat stress.the Ca2+-ATPase activity declined slowly in both Ca2+- and oxalate-treated mesophyll cells.But La3+ treatment inhibited the enzyme activity under both normal condition andheat stress.


The promotion of the growth of the stem is not due to the increment of the number of internodes, but is chiefly due to the elongation of their internodes.


The results showed that, compared to the short light period, the longer light period had positive effects on the evolution of eggs, fertilization success and development of zygotes.


The defect formation of Langmuir-Blodgett film of 1,2-dipalmitoyl- sn -glycero-3-phosphocholine injured by potassium oxalate was investigated with the aid of atomic force microscopy and fluorescent microscopy. The effect of the defects on the growth of calcium oxalate monohydrate was investigated by scanning electronic microscopy.


But it in 10"8mol/L-10"mol/L inhibited gastrin secretion .whereas it promoted somatostatin secretion of duodenum in vitro. GnRH-A did not effect significantly gastrin and somatostatin secretion of stomach in vitro.These results suggested that GnRH-A may integrate with GnRH receptor and restrain directely gastric acid secretion in parietal cell.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。