英语人>网络例句>促进...的生长 相关的搜索结果


与 促进...的生长 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CaCl2 stimulated the accumulation of soluble calcium and calmodulin,and the activity of plasmic membraneCa2+-ATPase,and promoted flower bud differentiation,but EGTA had opposite effects.


Proved by experiments, the ginkgo pyroligneous liquor has great promoting function on the seed germination of crops and the growth of seedling.


Benefiting developed countries'experiences, cousummating policy system and developing suitable technologies, we will make the field of municipal sewage resue develop rapidly and healthily in China.


All of HCC cell linesexpressed Hh pathway to different extent,with predominance in SMMC-7721,which wereregarded as poorly differentiated.Blockade Hh pathway by KAAD-cyclopaminesignificantly inhibited the DNA synthesis and resultantly inhibited proliferation inSMMC-7721 cells.


By the study of the crys-tallization kinetics it is concluded that the crystallization in spherulitic in nature,carbon fiber promotes the crystallization of PP by decreasing it's crystalline surface free energy.


Interruption of tonically actie medullo-spinal pathways after injury causes disinhibition of thoracolumbar sympathetic preganglionic neurons, and intraspinal sprouting of nere growth factor-responsie primary afferent fibers is thought to contribute to their hyperactiity.


The nuclei density at the surface of carbon fiber is much higher than that in the bulk area, and the resulting radial growth produces a type of transcrystalline structure, and the characteristic temperature of crystallization increases with carbon f...


It is shown that the surface of carbon fiber displays a high propens ity to nucleate PP crystallization. The nuclei density at the surface of carbon fiber is much higher than that in the bulk area, and the resulting radial growth produces a type of transcrystalline structure, and the characteristic temperature of crystallization increases with carbon fiber concentration.


A new method for assessment of viability of follicles by staining with Trypan blue and hoechst33342 was developed..

三种不同浓度NGF(4、6、8 IU/ml)对体外培养的Φ<60μm腔前卵泡有促进生长的作用。

However, the growth of rotifer fed on high-density Chlorella pyrenoidosa was inhibited notably, and there was no effect on its fecundity. Sexual reproduction of Brachionus urceus was not promoted by improving the density of diet.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
