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与 促进...的生长 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The effect of additives on the control of crystal size for sodium sulphate is discussed in the paper.


The compound medium can improve the matrix physicochemical property, reduce badness reaction of the single medium and promote the growth of the cyclamen, decrease the turfy usage dosage and lowered the cost in a precondition of ensuring the quality, achieve the resource utilization of the coco peat.


It provides useful experience for maintaining legal validity and promoting faith in law in China while its laws are acquiring constant venerability in the social changes.


The experimental results in successive 6 years showed that applying fertilizer could accelerate Vetiver grass growth and the formation of Vetiver grass hedgerow .

连续 6年的试验结果表明:施肥能加速香根草的生长,促进浓密的香根草篱的形成,对分蘖的影响达到极显著水平。

The results showed that adding lime could improve the growth of sisal effectively and inhibit the uptake of heavy metals on Cu polluted soil. When soil Cu was 500mg/kg, the best dosage was 3375kg/hm2. When soil Cu was 1000mg/kg the best dosage was 4500kg/ hm2, this combination of sisal and calcareousness could transplant Cu twice time more than that of only plant sisal. When soil Cu was 2000mg/kg adding calcareousness could effectively improve the growth of sisal.


When the mixture of bacteria strain MH and fungi strain Cladosporium is used, the extent of diesel biodegradation is significantly increased by 80% after five days; Diesel pollutants in aqueous solution can be completely removed by synergistic use of these MH and Cladosporium; The observed synergistic effect is closely related to the aromatics-resistance of the fungi strain Cladosporium, which in turn favors the growth of the MH.


Objective To study the efficacy of Melilotus extract in rehabilitation of operation of anal rectal disease.Methods In experimental study,the animal models were established by laparotomy in rats.The blood in dressing and the granulation tissue in wound were observed in post-operation.Then,the influences of Melilotus exˉtract to the bleeding and healing in wound were compared with the difference between that of the therapeutic group and that of the controls.

目的 探讨研究草木犀流浸液在肛门直肠手术后康复中的作用方法首先进行动物实验,建立家兔开腹手术模型,观察家兔开腹术后对照组和治疗组伤口敷料渗血量的变化,以及观察伤口处新生肉芽组织的生长状况,从而评价草木犀流浸液对手术后切口渗血的影响和促进伤口愈合的作用。

Three-dimensional Matrigel constructs contained aleolar forming units comprised of cells displaying AE2 cellular ultrastructure while expressing the SpC gene and gene product. The addition of tissue-specific growth factors induced formation of branching, sacculated epithelial structures reminiscent of the distal lung architecture.


The progress in the application of polyaspartic acid and its derivatives in scale inhibition,viscosity reduction,fertilizer synergism and super-absorbing networks were described in this article. polyaspartic acid ; synthesis ; scale inhibition ; viscosity reduction ; fertilizer synergia ; water-absorbing resin


It was Wote and PAM that promoted the growth of main tendrilled vine and roots, enhanced the photosynthesis, increased watermelon biomass, moved the harvest phase up, increased the yields and the production value, and obviously increased the water use efficiency of watermelon.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
