英语人>网络例句>促进...的生长 相关的搜索结果


与 促进...的生长 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seaweed extract-EClean was applied to treatment for eutrophication water. Quantative detection of nitrogen cycle bacteria showed that seaweed extract could improve the growth of ammonifying bacteria, nitrosobacteria and nitrobacteria in the treated water. There was also an increasing trend in the number of denitrifying bacteria in aerated treatment water, which showed that the seaweed extract could accelerate nitrogen cycle and the release of nitrogen from water.


Main purification role is played by artificial medium and aquatic macrophyte in pollutants removal, but the Corbicula fluminea introduced to food chain of combined floating bed enhances the purification effect through the ways as follows: improving the resolvability, ammonification and biodegradability of particulate organic matters, meliorating the substrate supply condition for absorption of plant and degradation of microorganism attached on artificial medium, hastening the growth and activity of microorganism.


Variations among rice cultivars in lead tolerance, uptake and translocation Under the soil treated with 800 mg kg〓 Pb, the effects of Pb on rice growth and development varied greatly with cultivars, with some cultivars significantly promoted, some significantly restrained, and others no obvious change.

五、水稻不同品种对铅吸收、分配的差异在土壤铅浓度为800mg kg〓的条件下,水稻不同品种的生长发育对铅处理的反应差异很大,部分品种受到明显抑制,部分品种受到明显促进,而另一些品种没有明显变化。

The effect of silaged corn straw treated with inoculants by lactic acid bacteria and cellulase on animal performance was studied. The sheep were fed with silaged corn straw for 45 days. The gain of animal increased 4.2% compared to control fed the silage without treated with additives.


The primary cause of the acquired platelet defect is thought to be activation and release of alpha granules during extracorporeal circulation. Before CPB PRP was prepared by obtaining the required amount of patient's whole blood by autologous plateletpheresis. PRP could be reinfused after operation in order to save the function and quantities of the platelets. On the other hand PRP could be made into autologous platelet gel. APG contains supraphysiologic amounts of growth factors and has adequate tensile strength and adhesive ability.

CPB前,利用自体血小板分离技术可将部分血小板从患者全血中分离出来制成富血小板血浆(Platelet-rich plasma PRP),PRP可在术后回输,以达到血小板数量和功能的双重保护,另一方面可将PRP制备成自体血小板胶,APG中含有丰富的生长因子,并且具有足够的抗张强度和粘性,因此可起到术中止血,封闭伤口,促进胸骨及伤口愈合的作用。

The primary cause of acquired platelet defect is thought to be activation and release of alpha granules during CPB. Before CPB, platelet-rich plasma was prepared by obtaining the required amount of patient's whole blood by autologous plateletpheresis. PRP could be reinfused after operation in order to protect the function and quantities of the platelets. On the other hand, PRP could be made into autologous platelet gel. APG contains supraphysiologic amounts of growth factors, and has adequate tensile strength and adhesive ability. Therefore, it can be used for hemostasis in operation, sealing wound and enhancing incision or dehiscent sternal wounds healing.

CPB前,利用自体血小板分离技术可将部分血小板从患者全血中分离出来制成富血小板血浆(platelet-richplasma,PRP),PRP可在术后回输,以达到血小板数量和功能的双重保护,另一方面可将PRP制备成自体血小板浆(autologousplateletgel,APG), APG中含有丰富的生长因子,并且具有足够的抗张强度和粘性,因此可起到术中止血、封闭伤口、促进胸骨及伤口愈合的作用。

A few grandiose projects have also been suggested, such as giant parasols in space or adding iron to the ocean to encourage planktonic algae to grow and soak up carbon dioxide.


The increments of organic matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in soil were 3.05~3.06g/kg, 0.06~0.07g/kg and 0.01~0.26g/kg, respectively. Spring wheat-spring highland barley or spring highland barley-winter wheat rotation also was benefited to raise soil fertility.


Moreover, CPPU application increased the IAA concentration in the 2nd node, and decreased it in the 2nd internode as well as IAA export from the shoot apex of pea plants, reflecting the release of apical dominance.


A series of IImethods, including addtion of liquid petrolatum and glass beads and adjustment offlask loads and rotation speed of swing bed, was founded to be efficient in controllingthe concentration of dissolved oxygen in fermentation medium and enhancing thetransmission of substances.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
