英语人>网络例句>使痴迷 相关的搜索结果


与 使痴迷 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hollywood made us medium-happy, too, with Guillermo Arriaga's The Burning Plain, a subtly epic tale of two women living different lives in different times, with Charlize Theron gnawed by slowly revealed guilts and griefs in present-day Oregon while Kim Basinger finds a tragic love-rapture in sunnier, earlier Mexico.


Meanwhile, Ben's underwater wanderings have put him in serious debt to a gangster/rap star named Bigg Bunny, who wants the treasure, too.

同时,本对水中宝物的痴迷使他陷入了沉重的债务中。一个叫做Biff Bunny的强盗也想要这份宝藏。

Chen and Lin has created many heroines quite different from those in the traditional male descriptions. These heroines once are crazy about love, then they pursuit love, finally they woke up. Through painful struggles, they realize the transfer from "Electra Complex" to "Patricide", and also carry out the task of killing the "angle" and rescuing the "mad woman". And the myth of male chauvinism which has stood high for centuries collapses at that moment.


I have kept only the images which enthrall me, without my knowing why (such ignorance is the very nature of fascination, and what I shall say about each image will never be anything but … imaginary).


What he says about the dangers of our infatuation with innovation may open your eyes.


I am crazy about the mystery and liberal style of oriental culture all along,enjoying uncertainty of final picture when the color is dispersed on the paper by flowing liquid,but concrete or nonfigurative picture will appear in the end.Sometimes, it is full of humour and wit,sometimes it is in a complete mess.Which is deserving for me to touch and to create them.


The most successful writer in China today isn't Nobel Prize , or even Jiang Rong, the author of the best-selling novel "Wolf Totem," just released in the United States. It's 24-year-old Guo Jingming, a pop idol whose cross-dressing, image-obsessed persona has made him a sensation in a country where the Communist dictatorship advocates prudery and heterosexuality.


So sorry for making you solicitous about me.


I am devoted habitué of every show in New York of Chinese calligraphy and poetry/painting and have been affected by every aspect of the work, from the performative aspect of the making of the calligraphy, to the exhilarating visuality of the approach to writing, to the interaction of word and image, to the mind-expanding horizontally (especially but also, of course, verticality) of the writing space of the scrolls.


Instead of compassion, ethics, character, and activism we see kids obsessed with MySpace who get their jollies beating each other up so they can Broadcast it on YouTube.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
