英语人>网络例句>使有能力 相关的搜索结果


与 使有能力 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore if thou shalt separate from thyself, that is, from thy understanding, whatever others do or say, and whatever thou hast done or said thyself, and whatever future things trouble thee because they may happen, and whatever in the body which envelops thee or in the breath, which is by nature associated with the body, is attached to thee independent of thy will, and whatever the external circumfluent vortex whirls round, so that the intellectual power exempt from the things of fate can live pure and free by itself, doing what is just and accepting what happens and saying the truth: if thou wilt separate, I say, from this ruling faculty the things which are attached to it by the impressions of sense, and the things of time to come and of time that is past, and wilt make thyself like Empedocles' sphere


Can accelerate the bone marrow cell from G1 phase into S phase when we measure it's Cell cycle, it make S phase rate was increased .thus it promoted DNA synthesize and repaired. Mice irradiated at dose of 5.5 Gy gamma-irradiation showed timed-related decreases and restores in peripheral blood picture at day 1 through day 21, the counts of WBC of these group had taken drug has various degree to increase than irradiation control group in day 1. Grugs failed to protected the peripheral blood cell at lowest point, but seems promote their rescovery.9803 treated group was distinct. At 7days after mice were radiated in 3.5 Gy. we observed drug can Significantly hold back the decreased number of hematopoietic progenitors colony forming radiation induced. These findings indicated 9803 have a certain radioprotective activity against gammer irradiation in mice.

给药组的 CFU-S 数量较照射对照组明显增加,3.5Gy 照后第七天观察给药9803组对小鼠骨髓造血组细胞集落生成能力的影响,给药组的造血祖细胞集落的形成能力强于照射对照组,并且9803组明显优于523组。5.5Gy 照射引起的小鼠的外周血细胞数量的降低以 WBC 发生最早,照后24小时给药组的 WBC 数量均比照射对照组有不同程度的升高,以9803各给药组最为明显,药物未能使照射引起的外周血细胞最低值升高,而有降低的趋势,但给药对照射后期外周血象的总体恢复有较好的促进作用。7.5Gy 照射后第七天测定小鼠骨髓细胞周期的测定中发现9803具有促进骨髓细胞由 G1期进入 S 期的效应,致使 G0/G1期细胞显著减少, S 期细胞比率显著增加,这利于促进 DNA 合成修复,即促进骨髓细胞增殖,骨髓细胞 DNA 含量给药组显著高于照射对照组。

There are six points below serving as reasons: firstly, solvency report reveals company's solvency status at certain time point and discrete view regarding quarter as discrete accounting period is consistent with ideas of insurance surveillance and management; secondly, deferrals and withdrawals in advance of expenses in integral view make confirmed assets and liabilities inconsistent with definitions of admitted assets and ranking liabilities; thirdly, taking into account cost and expenses of the entire year also brings unnecessary troubles to accounting measurement; fourthly,"integral view" is more dependent on professional judgment and estimate by accounting personnel, which is likely to lead to incomparability of company's solvency reports; fifthly, it is consistent with provisions of enterprise accounting standards of our country, which is convenient for company to compile solvency report; sixthly, it is in compliance with methods adopted by most developed countries, which is helpful for international comparison.


In the end of this thesis, the author concludes that this series of Chinese textbook is successful because the framework of the textbook is both incorporative and separated. The whole series textbook is a tridimensional system that can not only gain knowledge and capability but also form habits and improve student"s attainments. This textbook attaches importance to course and means and pays more attention to students" autonomous learning, cooperative learning and inquiry learning.


Thirdly, some teachers pay more attention to teaching the syllable and the instilment, while ignoring the intonation and the cultivation of the students'abilities.


However,Although Chinese children,youth even college students' achievements in text study is not worse than American children,their disposition appears more passive:reluctant in behaving,timid,reliable,wanting comunication capability and self-reliance,uncapable of financial management,unsuitable of independent living.to be short,deficient in social living.there characteristics of Chinese children unquestionably have a deep tie with China's "Diplomacy Orentational Education".


DCs acquired by our reformed methods express both CD83 and CD 14 molecules highly, and have a higher density than other domestic reports. The higher TNF in DCs culture medium of HC patient suggests DCs in patient still have antigen presenting ability and by optimization the culture medium would improve its presenting ability and have a potential value in design and application individual vaccine. Although antigens pulsed DCs have a decrescent antigen presenting ability but BCG HSP70 could induce its mature and improve its presenting ability. Suggests BCG HSP70 would be a useful mature inducer. Lymphocytes primed by DCs based HC vaccine have the specific cytotoxicity against HCC lines. The CTL after freezing and anabiotic could prophylaxis and therapy HC xenograft on nude mouse. The results also suggests that CD4〓 lymphocytes play a important role in HC with a good differentiation and would be useful in treatment this kind of HC. After being activated by Peptide LLNQHACAV of hAFP and apoptotic HCCs pulsed DCs respectively, the culture medium of activated lymphocytes both contains a high level Th1 cytokines IL-12 and TNF. Primed lymphocytes appeared a characteristic of NK cells. DCs not only inhibited the growth of human HCC and other cancer cells in vitro but also prevented the growth of HC xenograft on nude mouse in vivo. There are at least three kinds of mechanism playing important role in DC based vaccine ,there are inhibition of DCs, HC specific CTL and cytokines pathway.

诱导出的DC共同表达CD83和CD14分子,CD83分子表达明显高于国内报道;肝癌患者DC培养上清中TNF水平高于健康人,提示肝癌患者DC仍具一定的抗原呈递能力,适当调控可使其行使APC功能,以期在肝癌个体化疫苗中发挥作用;DC负载肝癌可溶性抗原后,抗原呈递能力降低,BCG HSP70可促进DC成熟,增加其抗原呈递能力,预示BCG HSP70有可能成为促进DC活化和成熟的另一重要分子;肝癌DC疫苗在体外诱导肝癌特异性淋巴细胞,活化的淋巴细胞在体外对肝癌细胞的杀伤以特异性CTL为主,同时分泌较高水平Th1型细胞因子IL-12和TNF,并抑制4种肝癌细胞生长;冷冻复苏后的肝癌特异性淋巴细胞可以预防和抑制人肝癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤,提示DC负载肝癌可溶性抗原后诱发的MHC-Ⅱ类限制性CD4〓T细胞有可能在分化程度高的肝癌治疗中发挥作用;用DC和HLA-A2〓DC分别负载凋亡肝癌细胞和hAFP218-226位LLNQHACAV HLA-A2限制性九肽,在体外诱导肝癌特异性淋巴细胞,活化后的CTL细胞分泌较高水平的Th1型细胞因子IL-12和TNF,并具较强杀伤活性,此CTL同时具备NK细胞特征;DC对肿瘤细胞的抑制作用可能是通过吞噬实现的,Fas-L在DC抑制中也起一定作用;DC对人肝癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤的抑制率为97%;在肝癌DC疫苗的作用中,至少联合3种以上机制,即通过DC的直接作用、肝癌特异性CTL和细胞因子途径直接或间接地杀伤和抑制肝癌细胞。

IT is thought the skin have so much member ,but the water's contain to 70% and for the skin leading in physiology ,so that forn he's water principle theory——he thought ,the skin not better absorb for the effect component and illness or senescence whether it from the skin and the body's others but common qround is the same for the run short of the water in the cell and conjunctive tissue .in his manufacture in 1998 the new name came out and was named ——TORSION .for the technology he make use of the cosmetic ordinary 's drink aqua and lock the water capability when you use it , not only can keeping the skin have plenitudinous moisture,so that the skin deeply suck then using the ordinary cosmetic drink component hillpear mellow molecule deriive 's than hillpear mellowdrink's capability high 1~2 times for β- hillpear mellow.

他认为虽然皮肤有多种成分,但水分却占到了70%,对皮肤的生理肯定起着主导性作用,基于此形成了他的Water principle研究理论。认为皮肤对有效成分的吸收不彻底,以及疾病或衰老,无论它来自皮肤还是身体的其他部位,其共同点都是一样的,那就是在细胞和结缔组织中缺少了水。在他的精心研制下,利用化妆品常用的吸水剂山梨醇分子衍生出比山梨醇吸水剂吸水能力高出1-2倍的β—山梨醇,大大提高了皮肤的补水和锁水能力,使皮肤保持充足的水分,从而使肌肤对化妆品有效成分的吸收更为彻底。通过上万例的化妆品配方应用试验后,此技术于1998年在雅邦国际化妆品研究机构得到了推广,并利用Makinsdi.Dr的研究办公室作为新品的命名—TORSION。

IT is thought the skin have so much member ,but the water's contain to 70% and for the skin leading in physiology ,so that forn he's water principle theory——he thought ,the skin not better absorb for the effect component and illness or senescence whether it from the skin and the body's others but common qround is the same for the run short of the water in the cell and conjunctive tissue .in his manufacture in 1998 the new name come out and naming ——TORSION .for the technology he make use of the cosmetic ordinary 's drink aqua and lock the water capability when you use it ,ont only can keeping the skin have plenitudinous moisture,so that the skin deeply suck then using the ordinary cosmetic drink component hillpear mellow molecule deriive 's than hillpear mellowdrink's capability high 1~2 times for β- hillpear mellow.

他认为虽然皮肤有多种成分,但水分却占到了70%,对皮肤的生理肯定起着主导性作用,基于此形成了他的Water principle研究理论。认为皮肤对有效成分的吸收不彻底,以及疾病或衰老,无论它来自皮肤还是身体的其他部位,其共同点都是一样的,那就是在细胞和结缔组织中缺少了水。在他的精心研制下,利用化妆品常用的吸水剂山梨醇分子衍生出比山梨醇吸水剂吸水能力高出1-2倍的β—山梨醇,大大提高了皮肤的补水和锁水能力,使皮肤保持充足的水分,从而使肌肤对化妆品有效成分的吸收更为彻底。通过上万例的化妆品配方应用试验后,此技术于1998年在法国雅邦国际化妆品研究机构得到了推广,并利用Makinsdi.Dr的研究办公室作为新品的命名—TORSION。

The result shows that the cooling capacity increases with increasing generator heat transfer. The coefficient of performance of the system increases when the quantity of the generator heat transfer is increased from 6 kW to 7 kW, however it decreases in the range of 7 kW-9 kW. When the fan frequency increases, the temperature of liquid ammonia leaving condenser decreases, while the cooling capacity and the COP of the system increases. When the flow rate and inlet temperature of water/glycol increases, the evaporator takes more heat away and the cooling capacity and COP of the system increases.

其结果可发现当发生器加热量增加,系统温度增加系统冷冻能力增加,但其COP於6 kW-7 kW 系统COP会有先增加,於7 kW-9 kW,系统COP会有下掉的趋势;在冷凝器方面,当风扇频率增加,冷凝器温度降低时,冷凝器出口冷媒随之降低,系统冷冻能力会有所提高,COP亦增加;在蒸发器方面,蒸发器卤水出口温度及卤水流量增加,可以使蒸发器带走更多的热量其系统冷冻能力及COP也就会相对增加。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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