英语人>网络例句>使完善 相关的搜索结果


与 使完善 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was a perfection of a valve that made the aqualung possible and put man back into the sea with all the freedom of a fish.


There are a lot of analysis models,index and data involved in management accounting,which is used by people without deliberations,and considered as absolute correctness However,management accounting has not been developed so consummately In fact,there still remain many questions deserving further study and discussion For example,some methods are not actual,while some don't take cost into consideration at all More attention should be paid, and more efforts are needed to make management accounting mor...


The 21st century is a century of life science,the mathematical biology advanced rapidly, and the study in determinate system is perfect. In face,the species ecology systems are often subject to ,some uncertain factors,white noise,whether the presence of such noise affects these results that we have obtained has received exten sive attention ,which makes the study about stochastic system more and more important.


This article, drawing on the education development request and the children science edu- cation reality, carries out a general analysis from the different stages in the their development and intro- duces the interaction pattern, the co-building pattern, the procedure interaction pattern and immersion pattern in order to make the teacher and infant become an organic whole and make the interaction in science education harmonious and perfect.


They did at last give the people constitutions and the franchise; but even after that they obtained leave to continue despotic by becoming paternal. They made themselves too efficient to be dispensed with, too smoothly operative to be noticed, too enlightened to be inconsiderately questioned, too benevolent to be suspected, too powerful to be coped with.


In my opinion , financing leasing is the most efficient method , because the enterprises not only acquire part of the floating capital ,but also acquire the equipments which upgrading of industries need . They also can try to finance by the private equity funds, in this way, the enterprises get the capital and managing experience, more important, it enriches the direct financing system. Consummating the hypothecating organization system could offer a strong safeguard for the enterprises when they are financing. We also could establish some professional small and medium sized bank organizations to solve the current commercial banks are not positive to loan to the small and medium sized enterprises , because the small and medium sized enterprises banks' cost are much lower.


Personal Data · Sex: Male;· Age: 26;· National: Han;· origin: Heilongjiang Province · Address: Nangang District, Harbin · Tel:· Email: Work experience 2008.06 - 2009.03伍尔特 International Trading Co., Ltd., Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province Sales Engineer, Automotive Supplies Department Guangzhou Tianhe District is responsible for automotive aftermarket product sales and customer management · the work of the first month as a new sales champion · over-month sales of supplies to complete the task, was awarded · a single month over the completion of the development of new customers and successfully recovered money, get awards · customer product knowledge and sales skills training, to establish a stable customer relationship · the number of visiting customers per day over 12 and complete the area of collecting customer information · customer classification and delineation of the regional development of call plans and sales plans 2006.07 - 2008.05 Solid Thai Electronics Co., Ltd. Harbin Harbin, Changchun Sales Manager, Marketing Changchun region is responsible for products and automobile accessory retail sales management · 6 kinds of new products made in the FAW-Volkswagen and FAW Car's exclusive rights package · successful development of six retail Changchun agents, improve the sales network · Develop and implement marketing plans to make sales over the same period increased 30%, ranking the performance of the Department of Marketing · completion of the service staff product knowledge, work skills training, greatly increased the efficiency of its work · re-engineering customer profiles, to enable the marketing department to a unified customer profile management standardization Educational background 2002.09-2006.07 Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin, Heilongjiang Province Department of Management College of Business Administration Marketing Bachelor of Management Core courses: Marketing Management Consumer Behavior Market Research and Forecast Advertising Internet Marketing Promotion Management Skills and · Foreign Language Certificate 4 · motor vehicle driving license (C1)· NCRE three, good test drive Proficiency in the use of MS Office software, have e-commerce and Internet-related knowledge

个人资料·性别:男;·年龄:26;·民族:汉;·籍贯:黑龙江省·住址:哈尔滨南岗区·电话:· Email:工作经历 2008.06– 2009.03 伍尔特国际贸易有限公司广东省广州市销售工程师,汽车用品部负责广州天河区汽车售后产品的销售及客户的管理·工作第一月成为新人销售冠军·单月耗材销售超额完成任务,获得嘉奖·单月开发新客户超额完成并成功回收货款,获得嘉奖·对客户进行产品知识及销售技巧的培训,建立稳定的客户关系·每天拜访客户数超过12家并完成辖区内客户信息的收集·对客户进行分类并划分区域制定拜访计划和销售计划 2006.07– 2008.05 哈尔滨固泰电子有限公司哈尔滨、长春销售经理,营销部负责长春地区汽车配套产品及零售产品的销售管理·取得6种新产品在一汽大众和一汽轿车的独家配套权·成功开发长春地区6个零售代理商,完善销售网络·制定并实施销售计划使销售额较上年同期提升30%,营销部业绩排名第一·完成对服务人员产品知识、工作技巧的培训,使其工作效率大大提高·重新设计客户档案表,使营销部客户档案管理走向统一规范化教育背景 2002.09-2006.07 哈尔滨工业大学黑龙江省哈尔滨市管理学院工商管理系市场营销专业管理学学士核心课程:营销管理消费者行为学市场调查与预测广告学网络营销促销管理技能与证书·外语四级·机动车驾驶执照(C1)·全国计算机等级考试三级,机试优秀熟练使用MS Office软件,掌握电子商务和互联网相关知识

The factors mainly include four aspects:(1) The laws and policy in connection with construction insurance system are not perfect,(2) The parties who participate in the construction project are lack of risk and insurance consciousness,(3) The operation level of Insurance companie is not high ,(4) Insurance intermediary which includes insurance agent, insurance broker and insurance adjuster is in underdevelopment .


Based on those analyses and conformed international and national economic condition in china and some intrinsic defects of target zone regime, author transform target zone exchange rate regime by dividing two layers and bring forward a new exchange rate regime: double-layer-monitor exchange rate regime, the new model have possessed two merits, one is that the new model make "hollymoon effect" of target zone recurrence,and the merit can alleviate the fluctuation of exchange market;another merit is that the new model is a self-regulation system, that is say, the model can avoid long-term misalignment of exchange rate, those merit have major significance for china economy sustainable development and Chinese financial system more perfection, in paper we also present some fiscal policy and money policy served as a foil to double-layer-monitor exchange rate regime in order to make it work well, at last, we conclude that the new model will be the prior selection of RMB exchange rate regime reform for a long time form now on, and it also can serve as the bridge of RMB exchange rate regime steering to one of bipolar—free float.


Then the self-learn algorithm of deviation of gap zero is adopted for overcome the influence of the small variation caused by roll wear, roll expansion and mechanical clearance on gauge calculation.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
