英语人>网络例句>使变小 相关的搜索结果


与 使变小 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Simulation results demonstrate that it can lead to the convergence of the queue length to the desired value quickly and maintain the oscillation small.


Because the magnetoelectricity characteristic of TA is not linear, huge short-circuit current or large nonperiodic current may make the TA enter the saturated state, which cause the exportation current of the TA very small, making the busbar differential current very large.

母线区外故障时,由于带铁心TA 激磁电感的非线性特性,强大的短路电流及较大的非周期分量都可能使TA 进入深度饱和状态,此时TA 的励磁阻抗将变得很小,一次电流大部分流入励磁支路,导致TA 输出电流很小,使得母线保护差动电流很大,如果不采取一定的措施,极易发生误动。

The main purpose of this paper is to study the risks that the electronic bank faces, as well as the risks to its horizontal and vertical analysis.


Gills bow occur around several small uplift, it has evolved into a ditch cheeks, demodectic pruritus small uplift while around and gradually become WaiErMen retinal pigment, began to appear, make eye has become more and more obvious.


Xiaolu is my small cousin, labyrinthian life makes he becomes firm.


Firstly, the specific surface area of nano-coated particle is much larger than that of ordinary wollastonite, and the edges formed in comminuting is passivated, which made the slippy crystal surface coarsened. At the same time, the color of nano-coated particle became whiter, which fit for light ware. Secondly, if the coated wollastonite hasn't been modified by coupling agent, the toughness of PP/ wollastonite composite couldn't be improved.


In addition, a printing plate edge marked slopes or plate is too thin, or short-run printing of excessive wear lighter, so that the short-run suites and whitespace differences of high and low is too low and too soft pads, resulting in suites blank areaand, electro-chemical layer of aluminum foil, etc, should be made at the edge version slope near 90-degree right-angle (such as seihan with carving techniques that help you make little gradient edge version), according to the characteristics of the short-run suites, with thickness larger plate seihan, and a blank site, using a corrosion deeper stereoplasm lining for short-run; in addition, you should choose thin aluminized layer of anodized, adjust the appropriate business card printing and membership card making and adjusted pressure volume drum uponsize pressuer letoff drum.

此外,印版边沿存在明显的斜坡度或版材太薄,或印版过量烫印磨损变浅,使烫印版面与空白的高低差异太小,衬垫材料过软,造成版面空白部位与电化铝箔层接触等,应将版边沿坡度制成近90 度的直角(如采用雕刻工艺进行制版,可使版边沿几乎没有坡度),根据烫印版面的特点,采用厚度大一些的版材制版,并将空白部位腐蚀深一点,采用硬质包衬进行烫印;此外,应选择镀铝层较薄的电化铝,调整合适的制卡和会员卡制作压力,并适当调整压卷滚筒压力和收卷滚筒拉力。

To improve the stability of Arcjet discharge plasma in low current and high voltage mode, research on the demand of output characteristics of Arcjet Power Conditioning Unit was conducted. In this paper, based on PWM invertors and current mode control, using MOSFET as the main power device, an Arcjet Power Conditioning Unit was developed. Through adding a closed loop feedback circuit of output voltage, it can make the output characteristics of PCU be positive resistance to ensure the stability of Arcjet discharge plasma. The experiment indicates that this PCU can make Arcjet engine work at high voltage mode (100 V, 10 A) and ensure the stability of arcjet discharge plasma. Finally, it provides the experimental data of Arcjet when working.

为了解决小电流、高电压下电弧火箭等离子体的稳定性问题,研究了电弧火箭发动机对电源调理单元的输出特性要求,基于逆变电源脉宽调制技术与峰值电流型控制原理,以MOSFET为主功率器件,研制了一台电弧火箭电源调理单元,给出了Arcjet工作时的实验数据,通过增加PCU输出电压的闭环反馈电路,可以使PCU的输出外特性呈现正阻性,保证电弧的稳定燃烧,实验结果表明,该电源调理单元能使电弧火箭发动机达到高电压工作模式(100V, 10A),保持电弧工作的稳定性。

The rules of fluid rate with different technical parameters: the increase of electromagnetic force causes the increases of the fluid rates at S/L interface and free surface, the decrease of skin depth, the increase of electric current density which will make the fluid at free surface flowing faster, while it doesnt affect the fluid rate at S/L interface. When the height of melt increases, the both of fluid rates will increase too. The increase of the width-thickness ratio augments the fluid rates along the wider edges at S/L interface evidently, while the rates along the narrow edges will have little change, and the rate at free surface has little change too. The increase of overheat degree minishes the range of mush zone, while the fluid rates at S/L interface and free surface will increase evidently.


VICKY HAMLET: I came here and I find out that I had a cyst on my right vocal fold, which is basically the tiniest little lump that was causing me to have a husky voice naturally.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
