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与 使充满 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Niebuhr's theory of "original sin"made his thought of international politics critical.


Niebuhr articulates the validity of Christian realism in helping social analysis to pay attention to the"facts", like human freedom and the corruption of freedom.


Hurricanes seldom reach Ontario, Canada, but in 1954 Hurricane Hazel exposed the residents of Toronto to an awful night of flooding and terror.

飓风很少影响到加拿大的安大略省。但在 1954 年,黑兹尔飓风却使多伦多的居民遭遇了一个充满灌水和恐惧的可怕夜晚。

Though I know that the sweetness comes from sound balance and artificial decoration, marvelously TIMESTER manages to create so sweet, smooth and fresh melody, which persuades me to abandon a minimum of nitpicker.


In Emil Nolde's work "Christ and the sinners", the thick and bright colors are like burning earth, full of fervent spirit. It let us see the early Christians' infatuated religious spirit.


The sight of Notre dame Cathedral filled the tourists with awe.


She turned to me, and her voice, dropping an octave lower, filled the room with thrilling scorn


In order to recruit a group of enthusiastic students into the club, inject new vitality into the club, while new activities through the trick to make us better understanding of Beihang Microsoft Press Club, about the club star, PK game programming, Microsoft Championship and other relevant circumstances, we on March 19, 2010 at noon recruit new activities launched in the spring.


Stellate quartz survey:belongs to crystal family's one, is one kind of green mica paragenesis in the quartz or in not the transparent quartz ore, includes, looks like very likely inlays fills the paillette which the innumerable golden yellow hematite's thin lamella forms, the fable reddish orange metal had the golden color reflected light, has incurs the wealth the energy, if grasps the stellate quartz in the hand, may promote the blood circulation, causes the human to fill the energy, helps us to seek the innermost feelings to be tranquil; Starts our inspiration, at the same time the stellate quartz may also strengthen the vitality and the working zeal, enhances us with Earth's affinity.stellate quartz mysterious effect: the symbol opportunity's stellate quartz, is helpful to ask the wealth, the gathering wealth.


Dr. Jungers, Chair of Anatomical Sciences at SBU School of Medicine, and Dr. Richmond, Associate Professor of Anthropology at GWU and a member of GWU's Center for the Advanced Study of Hominid Paleobiology, completed a multivariate analysis of the proximal femora shape of a young adult O. tugenensis that enabled them to pinpoint the pattern of bipedal gait for this controversial hominin.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
