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与 使...神圣 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The voice of a"ranter" triumphantly consigning a barnful of rustics to eternal damnation caused Tess to pause a moment in a doorway, and there on a platform of corn-bags, in sanctimonious sidewhiskers and semi-clerical blacks, stood Alec D'Urberville.


The sweet voices of the Vienna Boys' Choir are the angels make this powerful sacred music soar up into the wonderful acoustics of St.


Nevertheless, the ideologist of this period is in advocate illicit some at the same time, strive give attention to two or morethings " all " value, seek both and close, make thereby demesne the principle of belongings sacrosanctity is planted by some demarcate.

不过 ,这时期的思想家在倡导私有的同时,又力图兼顾"均"的价值,寻求二者的和合,从而使私有财产神圣不可侵犯的原则受到某种限定。

Christ and the Apostles endorsed this faith of the Jews, so that we have Divine authority for their Scriptural character.


So that the stain and disease of abominable simony may be driven out for ever not only from the Roman curia but also from all christian rule, we renew the constitutions issued by our predecessors, also in sacred councils, against simoniacs of this kind, and we prescribe that they be observed unaltered.


Eccl., II, xvii makes Pope Julius say, in reference to the Council of Antioch (341), that the law of the Church forbids "the churches to pass laws contrary to the judgement of the Bishop of Rome" and Sozomen likewise declares "it to be a holy law not to attribute any value to things done without the judgment of the Bishop of Rome".

传道书。第一,二,十七),使教皇朱利说,在参考向安理会提交的安提阿( 341 ),该法的教会禁止"教会通过法律,相反的判决对罗马的主教"和sozomen的同样宣布"这是一个神圣的法律属性,不要任何价值的事情,没有判断罗马的主教"。

The chapter on the windows whose intense dark blues and reds were meant not to admit light but to spiritualise it, brings the reader closest to the strange line they straddled between the material and the immaterial.


Other statutes were: that no one should be admitted to Holy Communion who had not been confirmed (Council of Lambeth, 1281); that neither father nor mother nor stepparent should act as sponsor (London, 1200); that children to be confirmed must bring "fillets or bands of sufficient length and width", and that they must be brought to the church the third day after confirmation to have their foreheads washed by the priest out of reverence for the holy chrism (Oxford, 1222); that a male sponsor should stand for the boys and a female sponsor for the girls (Provincial Synod of Scotland, 1225); that adults must confess before being confirmed Constitution of St.

其他法规有:任何人都不应被接纳为圣餐谁尚未得到确认(理事会的兰贝斯, 1281 );,无论父亲还是母亲,也不stepparent应作为赞助商(伦敦, 1200 );,儿童得到确认必须使"鱼片或带足够的长度和宽度",他们必须把教会的第三天后,确认他们的额头洗牧师的崇敬的神圣chrism (牛津, 1222 );,一个男性赞助商要站在为男孩和一名女赞助商的女孩(省议会,苏格兰, 1225 );,成年人必须承认,在得到证实(宪法的圣埃德蒙的坎特伯雷,约1236年)。

Moreover no cleric may be put in command of mercenaries or crossbowmen or suchlike men of blood; nor may a subdeacon, deacon or priest practise the art of surgery, which involves cauterizing and making incisions; nor may anyone confer a rite of blessing or consecration on a purgation by ordeal of boiling or cold water or of the red-hot iron, saving nevertheless the previously promulgated prohibitions regarding single combats and duels.

此外没有教士可实施指挥雇佣军或弩手或类似男子的血液;也不能subdeacon ,执事或司铎执业手术的艺术,它涉及烧灼,使切口;也不得授予任何人的祝福仪式或神圣的1下法的磨难沸腾或冷水或火热的铁,节能然而先前颁布的禁令就单一作战和决斗。

The Alps provide Milan with a natural barrier to the north that ensures the city is relatively safe from Swabia and the Holy Roman Empire - If the Milanese hold the mountain passes, they can hold off Northern Europe.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
