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与 使...神圣 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Eternal God, creator and preserver of all life, author ofsalvation, and giver of all grace: Look with favor upon theworld you have made, and for which your Son gave his life,make one flesh in Holy Matrimony.


It has been remarked that there is about this many-sided bishop a certain symmetry which makes him an almost faultless model of a holy, wise, and active man.


It is this holy light which enables us to break out of the marshland of materialism.


Influenced by Lutheran precedents, the Sarum Breviary, and the monastic offices of matins, lauds, and prime, morning prayer was designed for use on weekdays and on Sundays before Holy Communion.

受路德会的先例, sarum breviary ,和寺院办事处晨祷,赞扬,和总理,今天早上的祈祷是专为使用于平日及在星期日之前,神圣的共融。

By it a sinner, out of the sight and sense, not only of the danger, but also of the filthiness and odiousness of his sins, as contrary to the holy nature and righteous law of God, and upon the apprehension of his mercy in Christ to such as are penitent, so grieves for and hates his sins, as to turn them all to God, Eze 18:30,31 36:31 Isa 30:22 Ps 51:4 Jer 31:18,19 Joe 2:12 Joe 2:13 Am 5:15 Ps 119:128 2Co 7:11 purposing and endeavouring to walk with him in all the ways of his commandments.

Ps 119:6,59,106 Lu 1:6 2Ki 23:25 2 ),它是由一个罪人,走出了视线和责任感,不仅危险,而且也违反了脏和odiousness他的罪孽,为违反神圣性和正义的上帝的法规,一经逮捕他的慈悲在基督里,以这样的作为是忏悔,所以格雷乌斯和讨厌他的罪孽,使他们都向上帝,新教徒协会18:30,31 36:31伊萨30:22的PS 51:4哲31:18,19乔2: 12日乔上午02点13分下午5时15的PS 119:128 2co 7时11 purposing并设法以步行与他采取一切办法,他的诫命。

" Juno trembled as he spoke, and said,"May heaven above and earth below be my witnesses, with the waters of the river Styx- and this is the most solemn oath that a blessed god can take- nay, I swear also by your own almighty head and by our bridal bed- things over which I could never possibly perjure myself- that Neptune is not punishing Hector and the Trojans and helping the Achaeans through any doing of mine; it is all of his own mere motion because he was sorry to see the Achaeans hard pressed at their ships: if I were advising him, I should tell him to do as you bid him.

" 宙斯一顿怒骂,牛晴眼夫人赫拉心里害怕,开口告辩,用长了翅膀的话语:"让大地和辽阔的天空为我作证,还有斯图克斯的泼水――幸福的神祗誓约,以此最为庄重,最具可怕的威慑。我还要以你的神圣的头脑作证,以我们的婚姻和睡床――对此,至少是我,不敢信口誓言。裂地之神波塞冬并非秉承我的意志,加害于特洛伊人和赫克托耳,助信他们的敌人,而是受他自己激情的催使,风风火火地干出此番事件。他目睹阿开亚人已被逼退船边,由此心生怜悯。真的,我没有让他这么做;相反,我愿劝他跟着你的路子循走,按你的号令行事;你,驾驭乌云的神主。

The first scholar to make the language and the contents of the sacred books of the Parsees known to Europe was a young Frenchman, Anquetil du Perron, who in 1754 went to India for this very purpose.

第一学者,使语言和内容的神圣书籍的parsees众所周知,欧洲是一个年轻的法国人, anquetil杜Perron的,他们在1754年前往印度这个目的。

The Jewish people had been made the depositaries of sacred truth; but Pharisaism had made them the most exclusive, the most bigoted, of all the human race.


Would one not think that the Church would count this one of the chief means of grace, and seek above everything to cultivate in God's children the power of an unceasing prayerfulness on behalf of the perishing world?


When the angel's book comes to be opened if aught that the pensive bosom has inaugurated of soultransfigured and of soultransfiguring deserves to live I say accord the prisoner at the bar the sacred benefit of the doubt.


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This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
