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与 使...神圣 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That does not make monuments sacrosanct (you will search in vain for a German military cemetery with a swastika).


The sublime grandeur of the final theophany, the simple directness of the narrative portions, and the imaginative coloring of the soul-problems raised in the book make it, regarded merely as literature, the most striking production of the Hebraic genius.


In Italy Veronica comes to Rome at the summons of the Emperor Tiberius, whom she cures by making him touch the sacred image.


Thus, what the radical secular theologians bring to people is the deep reconsideration and let them seek again for the ultimacy and sanctity on the ruin of the "Death-of-God" theology, though they do not find a proper approach to solve the crisis of religious belief, and afford a viable mode for the future of belief.


The sacred pint alone can unbind the tongue of Dedalus, he said.


On the other side, the act of pure, genuine, uncaused free will is considered somehow to negate the divine rational order and makes the universe seem irrational.


In the United States the major source of liberal religious ideas was Unitarianism, and it had already modified the doctrines of divine sovereignty, human sin, and biblical revelation before German thought began to make itself felt.

在美国的主要来源,自由宗教思想是unitarianism ,它已经修改了的教义神圣的主权,人权罪,圣经的启示之前,德国的思想开始使自己感觉。

But if anyone trusting to his nomination by the third party assumes the name of bishop, since he cannot take the reality, both he and those who receive him are to incur excommunication and be deprived of all sacred order, so that viaticum be denied them, except at the hour of death, and unless they repent, let them receive the lot of Dathan and Abiron, who were swallowed up alive by the earth.

但是,如果有人企图对自己的提名,由第三人承担的名字主教,因为他不能走,实际上他和那些接受他所招致的禁教和被剥夺了一切神圣的秩序,使旅费予以否认,除在一小时的死刑,除非他们有悔改表现,让他们得到了很多dathan和abiron ,被吃掉活着由地球。

Accepting the rough deific sketches to fill out better in myself


Their sacred books, called the "Granth"(the original of which is preserved and venerated in the great temple of Amritsar) consists of two parts:"Adi Granth", the first book or book of Nanak, with later additions compiled by the fifth guru,"Arjoon, and with subsequent additions from later gurus down to the ninth, and contributions by various disciples and devotees; secondly,"The Book of the Tenth King, written by Guru Govind Sing, the tenth and last guru, chiefly with a view of instilling the warlike spirit into the sect.

他们神圣的书籍,被称为& granth &(原来的是保存和崇敬,在大庙会的阿姆利则)包含两个部分:& ADI公司granth &,第一本书或书的诞辰,后来增补编制由第五大师,& arjoon ,并与随后的加算后,权威下降至第九名,比贡献的各弟子和信徒;其次,&这本书的第十届王,写的宗师govind唱歌,第十次也是最后大师,主要是与观灌输好战精神,使之成为该教派。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
