英语人>网络例句>你自己 相关的搜索结果


与 你自己 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If there be one lesson more than another, which should pierce his ear, it is, The world is nothing, the man is all; in yourself is the law of all nature, and you know not yet how a globule of sap ascends; in yourself slumbers the whole of Reason; it is for you to know all, it is for you to dare all.


I am teaching you not to hanker for comfort and convenience, because if you hanker for comfort and convenience, the society will give them to you, but at a cost.


When there is so much to be done for yourself, your family, your country, and your gracious king, be up by peep of day; let not the sun look down and say, inglorious here he lies.


If you want to market your website you should get your own IP address with your accounts.


Fourier's and Bellamy's and Morris's Utopias should all be outdone, and millions kept permanently happy on the one simple condition that a certain lost soul on the far-off edge of things should lead a life of lonely torment, what except a specifical and independent sort of emotion can it be which would make us immediately feel, even though an impulse arose within us to clutch at the happiness so offered, how hideous a thing would be its enjoyment when deliberately accepted as the fruit of such a bargain?


The moral of the story is that you own your own development; that organizations have a fairly primitive view of how they develop talent, and it's a shame; because ultimately the boss should help you, should be more direct; that life ring should be full of air, and we should move you more gradually into the deep end of the pool.


It's as good an answer as I shall ever get from you, Bob," she said impatiently;"but pray amuse yourself in your own way; loll in an easy-chair all day, with those two absurd dogs asleep on your knees; spoil my lady's window-curtains with your cigars; and annoy everybody in the house with your stupid, inanimate countenance.


Let us for a minute ignore the validity of their criticisms and opinions. If you always reject the opinions of others, they will stop giving you criticism and expressing to you their views. If you can magnanimously receive those criticisms and opinions, then your access to information will increase exponentially. Now, with regard to which pieces of information you choose to utilize, that is your choice.


If you find yourself saying things like this, you are just saying this job is too big for you and you are writing your own employment obituary.


Consolidation has many clear benefits, but before you obligate yourself by signing your name on the dotted line, you should do your research and obtain all the information you can find.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
