英语人>网络例句>你们自己 相关的搜索结果


与 你们自己 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And there you shall remember your ways, and all your wicked doings with which you have been defiled; and you shall be displeased with yourselves in your own sight, for all your wicked deeds which you committed.


In your own lives you know well enough now to stay out of the drama,stay out of blaming yourself.


Your success will be determined by your own fortitude, your own confidence, your own individual hard work.


Your success will be determined by your own fortitude, your ownconfidence, your own individual hard work.


You who are letting miserable misunderstandings run on from year to year, me aning to clear them up some day; you who are keeping wretched quarrels alive bec ause you cannot quite make up your mind that now is the day to sacrifice your pr ide and kill them; you who are passing men sullenly upon the street, not speakin g to them out of some silly spite, and yet knowing that it would fill you with s hame and remorse if you heard that one of those men were dead tomorrow morning; you who are letting your friend's heart ache for a word of appreciation or sympa thy if only you could know and see and feel, all of a sudden, that "the time is short" how it would break the spell! How you would go instantly and do the thin g which you might never have another chance to do!


Remember how important English is in your life, with guides you as a lodestar toward something that is valuable to like that, the meaning of your life will come true!


We, who work with you, can feel the receptivity and this is overriding any fear that you may have of striding out on your own.


When you learn to love who you are, when you learn to love the unlovable about yourself, then how can you look at anything outside of you if not with love and compassion?


You have put such eagerness to distance yourselves from your heart, that now, your own shadow terrifies you.


The teacher is within each of you, and you are yourselves the teacher that you do not recognize, And the voice that speaks in your dreams is the voice of yourself that you do not recognize speaking from the ancient founts of knowledge that are your own.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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