英语人>网络例句>作祟 相关的搜索结果


与 作祟 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A stack of unanswered letters battens on me like a bevy of plaintive ghosts and plays havoc with my smitten conscience.


The idea that children's taste in toys might somehow be genetically determined has long been disparaged by psychologists and ridiculed as being sexist.


He had been so spoiled by the flatteries of bright eyes that had looked, or seemed to look, the brighter when he drew near, that without being possessed of one shadow of personal vanity, he had yet come to think that he had only to make an offer to the prettiest girl in Essex, to behold himself immediately accepted.


He was "a man of large designs", confident in his position, haunted by no intellectual perplexities.


He is under a curse, he is blinded, his very humanity is being prostituted and exploited.


Thus there are a lot of movies--this is not sexist, it's just business--about superheroes, things blowing up and terrifying ordeals at the hands of ghastly psychos. To be fair, research shows young women also enjoy the last.


In the rude psychology of the primitive nations, the soul is often represented as actually migrating to and fro during dreams and trances, and after death haunting the neighbourhood of its body.

在粗鲁的心理原始国家,往往是代表灵魂实际迁移到来回在梦想和trances ,以及死后作祟邻里的机构。

Laotse however, twiddled with desires.


If they think they do, this is 'Admass' at work.


It is representative of adoration, confession, deity offering, homage, libation, propitiation, protection, purification, act of prayer, prophecy, and fire worship.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
