英语人>网络例句>体质 相关的搜索结果


与 体质 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hermaphrodites exist in oyster groups and the rate of hermaphrodites reduced with the increase of ages.


He wrote:"Such is the constitution of man that labour may be styled its own reward; nor will any external incitements be requisite, if it be considered how much happiness is gained, and how much misery escaped, by frequent and violent agitation of the body."


Objective To study the optimal BMI cut-off points for overweight and obesity of Shanghai children and its corresponding percentiles.

目的 探讨上海市男女童体质指数超重及肥胖最佳界值点及相应百分位。

During your child's physical exams,ask the doctor to show you the growth curves giving percentiles for height,weight,and body mass index.these allow you to compare your child with the norms for age and sex.


Like most definitions of attitude, satisfaction and perceived service quality are predispositions to respond favorably or unfavorably to a target.


The study also reiterates the importance of positive parenting not just on child development , but how it can aid in overcoming certain genetic predispositions .


North American/non-school youth sports/enlightment 知识词典 Non-school youth sports in North America has developed rapidly since the '70s, which promotes the youth's health and fitness and develops their personal - social attributes such as selfdiscipline, cooperativeness, achievement motivation,courage and persistence as well.


You gave birthto a freak of nature.


Based on the concep t of point charge, the experimental device of electrostatic induction was designed. The effects of point charge positions on the induction characteristics of a sensorwere studied by experiments.


We can for the majority of outdoor enthusiasts to provide a pure green sites, covering first aid, outdoor knowledge, equipment, function and product selection of interactive outdoor platform, User can be on this platform to share travelogues, Raiders, launched in outdoor sports,to participate in mutual + self-help outdoor activities, get to know the same love of the outdoor friends.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
