英语人>网络例句>体质 相关的搜索结果


与 体质 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The level and quality of growth and development and nutrition status are strong contributable factor for the physical fitness, the express of potential capability , compensation, and the capacity of reaction to the stimuli.


The article described the morphological features of Shanzuizi crania in some details and discussed the problems concerned with the racial relationship between the Shanzuizi crania and other modern and ancient crania of Asiatic Mongoloids.


The result showsthat Yeluyuzhi crania is the most similar group to North AsiaticMongoloids, and there are some resembles with Eastern AsiaticMongoloids on the anthropology characteristic, but there are manydifferences with Northeast Asiatic Mongoloids and South AsiaticMongoloids.


Cyanophycin has another valuable component: the amino acid arginine, which improves animal health when added to feed and reduces the level of nitrogen in urine.


More than a black Dalbergia Lushi, other trees may cause allergic reactions in some people, this is a physical problem, belonging to "the case."


2Ai. In addition, cell extracts from E. coli JM109(DE3) cells harbouring the recombinant plasmid pAM28 were able to decarboxylate the histidine present in the reaction to histamine, whereas extracts prepared from control cells containing the vector plasmid alone did not.


The raspberry beer is rich in digallic acid, organic acid, amino acid, fiber and microelement. It can increase human health and immunity, prevent cranial nerves senescence, and increase heart function.


Our investiation would provide some normal values of anthropology in Xian and could be used for the evaluation of growth and development of the human body and the diagnosis of some diseases (e.g., constitutional discase of bone).


During the process of the fore mentioned analyses, some tentative works as follows were done.(1)On the basis of the fundamental of spatial analytic geometry, the basic method for displaceable block searching was put forward and the relevant program was written. With this program one can easily search out all the displaceable blocks and omitting of blocks, which is very common in searching blocks manually, can be avoided.(2)The coefficient of stability of blocks with failure mode II-2(that is, sliding on a single sliding surface, but confined by near intersecting line )was deduced.(3)The multi-cavern effect of Laxiwa underground caverns was studied on the assumption that all of the caverns were full face tunneled at the same time.(4)The stability classification scheme of rock mass surrounding large scale underground caverns was established. In addition to inherit the merits of the method of engineering geological


Draconic Outburst (11th level): When you spend an action point to make an attack, each enemy adjacent to you takes damage equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier when you resolve the attack.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
