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与 低温学的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, a specialist in Emergency medical review the 1,281 charts during June 24-July 8, 2004 to decide syndrome group of each patient, and using it as the golden standard. This study collected CC, ICD-9 code, body temperature, and epidemiological data of 126,675 emergency department patients in five hospitals in Taipei during Oct. 1, 2005-Feb. 14, 2007 to set up Poisson regression for counts time series model and use cumulative sum and exponential weighted moving average for alerting. The Poisson regression for counts time series model controlled age, gender, hospitals, Saturday, Sunday, holiday, daily temperature difference, daily lowest temperature, relative humidity and seasonal factors to predict ILI and AGE cases.

做法上,由专科医师回顾台北市某医院2004年一周共1,281 笔的急诊病患资料进行症候群分类,建立症候群的黄金标准;并收集台北市五家医院2005年10月1日至2007年2月14日共126,675 位急诊病人之主诉症状、ICD-9 码、体温及流行病学相关资料,进行症候群侦测数据分析,以建立波以松时间序列分析预测模式(Poisson regression for counts time series),且控制重要因子(性别、年龄、医院别、周六、周日及假日效应、日温差、每日最低温、相对湿度及季节),进行流感及急性肠胃炎个案数之预测。

H%Otjs%}'D$IYo%^+F0 Objective To appraise objectively the myocardial protective effect of beating heart with mild hypothermia and cardiopulmonary bypass with cardiac arrest by cold cardioplegia perfusion during openheart operation for mitral valve replacement.

目的 用体视学定量法对比分析两种二尖瓣置换术对心肌超微结构的影响,旨在为浅低温体外循环心脏不停跳心内直视手术对心肌保护效果作进一步客观的评价。

This thesis analysis lethiferous effectiveness of high temperature pest-killing technique、 low temperature pest-killing technique、 microwave pest-killing technique and high pressure nitrogen suffocation pest-killing technique, and affect on tensile strength、 wearproof strength、 whiteness of copypaper、 writing paper、 rice paper and newsprint, affect on colour difference of red 、 blue 、 blue-black ink colored writing, and black ink 、 laser printing 、 xerox,、 gushing typing black writing caused by four physical pest-killing techniques above-mentioned.


Three weeks afer the allografting,there was no significant difference between the two al lografting groups in maximum load(P>0.05),Eight weeks later,the maximum load of the group that was preserved by liquid nitrogen after program freezing(76.60±4.67)N was better than the group that was preserved by -80℃ deepfrozen(75.99±4.20) and similar with the autografting group(76.72±2.55).4.The healing process and histological behavior of the two deepfrozen groups are similar with the autografting group,and the program freezing group is better.

结果 a经程序冷冻液氮保存方法处理后,髌腱的最大载荷无明显下降,细胞活性得到了较好的保存,组织学观察冷冻损伤较-80℃深低温保存方法轻微;b程序冷冻液氮保存处理的移植物在术后未表现明显的排斥反应,且免疫反应随时间的推移而下降;c移植后3周,各组移植物的最大载荷无显著差异(P>0.05),移植后8周,程序冷冻液氮保存组移植物的最大载荷(55.87±1.86)N优于-80℃深低温保存组(52.14±2.79),而和自体移植组相近(57.70±2.76)N;d从组织学观察看,-80℃深低温保存组和程序冷冻液氮保存组移植后的愈合过程均和自体移植组相似,而程序冷冻液氮保存组的愈合过程和组织学行为更接近于自体移植组。

Results 1.After treated by:program freezing,the maximum load of the allografts has no evident decrease and the cell activity of allografts was preserved well,the frozen hurt after program freezing was more slight than -80℃ deepfrozen,2.No evident reject reaction can be seen during the healing process after deep frozen and the reject reaction declined as the time pass by.3.Three weeks afer the allografting,there was no significant difference between the two al lografting groups in maximum load(P>0.05),Eight weeks later,the maximum load of the group that was preserved by liquid nitrogen after program freezing(76.60±4.67)N was better than the group that was preserved by -80℃ deepfrozen(75.99±4.20) and similar with the autografting group(76.72±2.55).4.The healing process and histological behavior of the two deepfrozen groups are similar with the autografting group,and the program freezing group is better.

结果 a经程序冷冻液氮保存方法处理后,髌腱的最大载荷无明显下降,细胞活性得到了较好的保存,组织学观察冷冻损伤较-80℃深低温保存方法轻微;b程序冷冻液氮保存处理的移植物在术后未表现明显的排斥反应,且免疫反应随时间的推移而下降;c移植后3周,各组移植物的最大载荷无显著差异(P>0.05),移植后8周,程序冷冻液氮保存组移植物的最大载荷(55.87±1.86)N优于-80℃深低温保存组(52.14±2.79),而和自体移植组相近(57.70±2.76)N;d从组织学观察看,-80℃深低温保存组和程序冷冻液氮保存组移植后的愈合过程均和自体移植组相似,而程序冷冻液氮保存组的愈合过程和组织学行为更接近于自体移植组。

Recently, increasing knowledge in the field of cryobiology and the use of imaging for intra-operative monitoring, has led to an increased use of minimally invasive access of cryotherapy in the treatment of non-resectable tumours.


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