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Weed species which appeared Over 20% in plots of golf courses were Cyperus rotundus,Kyllinga brevifolia,Oxalis dellenii,Panicum repens,Eleusina indica,Paspalum conjugtum,Digitaria sanguinalis,Hydrocotyle s...
在 2 0 %以上的样带小样方中出现的杂草种类为13种,即香附子、水蜈蚣、黄花酢浆草、铺地黎、牛筋草、两耳草、马唐草、天胡荽、狗尾草、空心莲子草、马齿苋、鸡眼草和犁头草;13种主要杂草总的年消长动态是:1~ 3月份个体数量较少,4~ 10月份期间生长加快,但消长起伏不平,10月份后变缓;70 %以上的主要杂草在草坪-杂草群落中生态位宽度均在 0 。7左右,其中生态位宽度较高的杂草种类为香附子(0 。90 5 4 )、水蜈蚣(0 。86 18)和黄花酢浆草(0 。8381),生态位最小的杂草种类为马齿苋(0 。392 2 );13种杂草中,相似性指数最高的杂草种对为空心莲子草与马齿苋(0 。75 98),最小的杂草种对为天胡荽与鸡眼草 0 。16 6 6
Three colored light educational world position idea uses two kind of liquid contact surfaces and the liquid and the gas phase dipodic principle causes the fluid position, the position clear demonstration.
For a disubstituted complex, MA4B2, the planar arrangement gives three isomers, the familiar ortho, meta, and para arrangement s of organic chemistry.
For a disubstituted complex, MA4B2, the planar arrangement gives three isomers, the familiar ortho, meta, and para arrangements of organic chemistry.
对于双取代络合物 MA4B2,其平面排列有三个异构体,常见的为有机化学中的邻位、间位和对位排列。
This next one tells the story of a Mr. Grayson, and a beautiful woman, and a condemned man named Tom Dooley.
Grayson, and a beautiful woman, and a condemned man named Tom Dooley.
Based on the kinematic characteristics analysis of 3 degrees of freedom mobile robot with two drivable and steerable wheels and automatic driving experiences of experts, four sub-fuzzy tracking controllers are designed which realizes independent control of position between orientation of mobile robots to satisfy the desire posture requirements with the simplified fuzzy logic inference and shortened computing time simultaneously.
Results: A total of 180 cases were enrolled finally. They were 126 men and 54 women.
The epicondylar breadth and the breadth of medial and lateral condyles were measured on the anteroposterior X-ray films, the length and height of medial and lateral condyles on the lateral films were also measured.
修勤目的:为积累资料和探讨国人股骨髁的性别差异,方法:随机对 33~76 岁 194 例健康人(男 138,女 56)拍摄膝部正侧位 X 线片;在正位片上测量了上髁宽和内、外侧髁宽,在侧位片上测量了内、外侧髁长和高。
Of the evaluable 39 patients, 32 patients (82%) obtained complete response and 5 patients (13%) had partial response.
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This brought fixed cost, but it also is meant at the same time use a source to won't make you singlehanded assume a problem.
He gained a small fortune in real estate.
Well I do not accept second-place for the United States of America.