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与 伽利略 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The various colours significant of various degrees of vitality (white, yellow, crimson, vermilion, cinnabar): their degrees of brilliancy: their magnitudes revealed up to and including the 7th: their positions: the waggoner's star: Walsingham way: the chariot of David: the annular cinctures of Saturn: the condensation of spiral nebulae into suns: the interdependent gyrations of double suns: the independent synchronous discoveries of Galileo, Simon Marius, Piazzi, Le Verrier, Herschel, Galle: the systematisations attempted by Bode and Kepler of cubes of distances and squares of times of revolution: the almost infinite compressibility of hirsute comets and their vast elliptical egressive and reentrant orbits from perihelion to aphelion: the sidereal origin of meteoric stones: the Libyan floods on Mars about the period of the birth of the younger astroscopist: the annual recurrence of meteoric showers about the period of the feast of S.


When Saturn's "appendages " disappeared in 1612, Galileo did not understand why.


The author thinks that Galileo\'s methodological attitude towards experience is not so different from that of the Aristotelian\'s as one usually thinks.


The first astronomical observations with a telescope were made by the Italian scientist Galileo.


By expressing 4-angular momentum of the high-speed particular in the form of tensor ,and by Lorentz transformation,we can get the conversion equation of 3-dimension angular momentum and auxiliary vector.

高速运动质点的4-角动量表示成张量Jμv 的形式,通过对Jμv进行洛伦兹变换可以得到3维角动量L的变换关系以及辅助量G的变换关系,在经典过渡下,前者与角动量的伽利略变换相符合,后者恰好反映加速度a是伽利略变换的不变量。

In 1611, he is first mentioned by the Inquisition. 1614. In Florence there is a rabble-rousing sermon against him by Tomas Accocinni of the Dominicans, the guarddogs of church dogma. 1615, Rome, the center. Another priest, Lorini, scuttles to the Inquisition with a formal complaint over Galileo's Copernican views. Now the Church's instrument against heresy can act, if it chooses.


Editor this segment Culture, Galileo's free fallers experiment Legend, was born in 1590 Pisa's Italian physicist Galileo, once in Pisa in free fall, two experiments of different weights from the same height and ball down, the ball at the same time, two of free fall, and found that the overthrow Aristotle first heavy objects will reach the ground with its head, the speed is proportional to the mass of the view.


In this thesis, we first discuss the origin of the non-Galilean invarianceterm in the usual effective one gluon exchange q-q interaction and.


He was originally Poles, formerly known as Carroll, he was four and a half century since the first non-Italian pope, shortly after the accession to the throne, he was the Italian scientist Galileo to recover for the vindication that the 17 magistrates in the 1930s by the religious right Gaya Lee abbreviated trial "unfair."


But even Galileo could not persuade the inquisitors to look through his telescope , because ideology told them that what he claimed to see could not be there .


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Compared the voltage negative feedback wire-feeding speed regulation system supported by current positive feedback with the rotational speed negative feedback regulation system, the equivalent condition of the two systems is obtained. Then, a wire-feeding speed regulation circuit for the CO_2 welding machine is designed based on TL494 chip, which has the self-protective function under the condition of current overloading.


Make a model to help you determine the optimal number of tollbooths to deploy in a barrier-toll plaza.


Some utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham for example, have argued that pleasure and pain are the only things that are of universal intrinsic value; that is, that pleasure and pain are the only things that are valued for themselves, and other things are of value only because they produce pleasure or pain.
