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与 伽利略 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Slide a book across a table and watch it slide to a rest position. The book in motion on the table top does not come to a rest position because of the absence of a force; rather it is the presence of a force - that force being the force of friction - which brings the book to a rest position.


By Galileo's spy-glass if we recall that in his day, as for centuries

a。 如果我们回忆一下,在伽利略时代和在那以前的几个世纪一样,曲面镜通常是

We can perhaps forgive those who said the moons of Jupiter were produced by Galileo's spy-glass.


Were produced by Galileo's spy-glass if we recall that in his day, as for centuriesbefore, curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth butillusion, untruth; and if a single curved glass would distort nature, how muchmore would a pair of them?


Four hundred years ago, Galileo raised his homemade spyglass to the sky and spotted four of Jupiter's moons, revealing that other planets could have their own lunar companions.


Besides expressions that recall the Galilean dialect of the Palestinian Talmud a preference is shown for imitation of the language of the Targum of Onkelos, while there are also various terms belonging to the language of the Babylonian Talmud.


Meanwhile his file at the Holy Office of the Inquisition grows. Galileo and Copernicus need a miracle.


Urban is implacable, Galileo will come to Rome and will appear before the Holy Office of the Inquisition.


The pope, of course, can convert doctrinal decisions of the Holy Office, which are not in themselves infallible, into ex cathedra papal pronouncements, but in doing so he must comply with the conditions already explained -- which neither Paul V nor Urban VIII did in the Galileo case.


In some aspects, Galileo remained in the traditional aristotelian science, as he was a follower of the horror vacui theory although his pupil Torricelli proved by experiment the existence of the air pressure.


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And Satan entered into Judas who was called Iscariot and was of the number of the twelve.

22:3 这时,撒但进了那称为加略人的犹大里面,他本是十二数中的一个。

Teachers to consciously reflect on the study of theory and practice, constantly adjust and perfect their knowledge structure, in understanding the future of education, and social life on the basis of a correct conception of modern education bioethics.


But the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology .
