英语人>网络例句>估算 相关的搜索结果


与 估算 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A system of methods to estimate the chemotaxis coefficients of microbe usingcrude oil as carbon source were constructed.


He estimated that if the Cheops pyramid, and it apart and not Khufu's son Haff pullsand grandchildren Mengkawula pyramid stones together, a jigsaw puzzle can be three meters high and one meter thick stone wall along the whole border of France encircles.


Steve Gloss, of the United States'Geological Survey, reckons that the chub'sdecline is the result of their losing their most valuable natural defence, theColorado's rusty sediment.


According to analyzing the shortcoming of the estimation of circler error probability CEP of multiple independently targeted reentry vehicles MITRV , this paper put forward a new method that is adapt to actual situation .


Investment:The total investment is RMB 538,000,000, in which RMB 497,000,000 is for construction, RMB 41,000,000 for circulating capital.


On the foundation of the reasonable fixed position, according to process the process in of be subjected to the dint appearance and clip the tight dint to arrange the principle, drawing up to clip the tight dint to arrange the project reasonablely;Passing the related calculation formula, cliping the tight dint size to carry on estimate towards process in the process, choosing the size structure to clip the tight motive component reasonablely, according to an oneself of work structure and processed requests and process to be characteristics by the dint in the process, choosing the design to clip the tight organization to guarantee by attain that the work piece positions accurate reasonablely, fast .


On the basis of the fractal theory, general form and calculation method of the fractal characteristic are given, that is the calculation model of non-close fractal curve length and closed area, and box counting dimension algorithm.


It is important to obtain a Good Faith Estimate of closing costs, so you know how much money you will need to have at closing time.


Finally, a primary estimation of operation cost for defluorination using PAC as coagulant is made.


Coalification FENGYUAN Heze, Shandong Fengyuan Co., Ltd. is a wholly subsidiary of coal Co., Ltd., is a production of synthetic ammonia, methanol, urea and other chemical products modern chemical enterprise. 200,000 tons of coal methanol system are superior department in charge of approved projects, construction period of 18 months, estimates of 850 million yuan investment, the investment profit margin 32%.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
