英语人>网络例句>伪装的 相关的搜索结果


与 伪装的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Distaining over happiness is a distain for others' happiness,as well as enemity to man under beautiful camouflage.


The flowerlike LOTUS antitank mines had been placed in the crux of the first steps and overlaid with a square of silver reflective blanket that served as camouflage in the brilliant light.


Halloween is notable for showing the darker, supernatural side of Celtic custom – communion with the dead, mischief, fortunetelling and masquerades are common practices.


Pompeianus too was killed, the grandson of the Emperor Marcus,-- he was the son of his daughter and that Pompeianus who was married to Lucilia after the death of the Emperor Verus and made consul twice by Marcus and placed in command of all the most important wars of the time -- and he was killed in such a way as to seem to have been murdered by robbers.


Vicki Zhao's tomboyish image certainly helps her believability as Mulan, but as with his handling of Cheuk Ying-Toi in Butterfly Lovers, Ma doesn't seem that concerned with pretending that Mulan is really a he.


Taken by themselves, they do but seem to be what they are not; they look like virtue at a distance, but they are detected by close observers, and in the long run; and hence it is that they are popularly accused of pretense and hypocrisy, not, I repeat, from their own fault, but because their professors and their admirers persist in taking them for what they are not, and are officious in arrogating for them a praise to which they have no claim.


Many are camouflaged renegades from newspapers, not so much new breeds as Darwinian adapters to a new environment.


According to our experimental results, no information can be revealed through observing any camouflaged image.


The hygromycin resistance gene is a marker gene to help sort out the transgenic mushroom cells from the non-transgenic cells, Dr. Romaine explained. What we are doing is taking a gene, as for example a drug gene, that is not part of the mushroom, and camouflaging it with regulatory elements from a mushroom gene.


"Nocturnal crawler, a scorpion remains well camouflaged under a flash-light's beam, but fluoresces in ultraviolet light , a reaction that remains a mystery to scientists."


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
