英语人>网络例句>伪装的 相关的搜索结果


与 伪装的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No teaching can be effective for these people, because they treat spiritual admonishment as a disguise to cover up private gain.


And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light....


She resembled Miss Hancock attempting by archness and by an assumption of frivolity to persuade her neighbours that she was juvenile .


In order to protect the integrality of the message, the method of digital signature is adopted.


Unit commanders paid great attention to the initial camouflaging of their positions and instructed their troops to always take maximum advantage of natural cover and concealment.


Looking at the systemic circulation of the global trade, such kind of industry division structure severely disguises the global trade, which reflecting in the tripartite trade of China, America and Japan, embodies the characteristic of Japan's "detouring to a new exit" and "disguising the imbalance of the Japan-American trade".


Biologists have barely begun to tally life's feinting legions or trace the evolutionary and genetic details of each imposter's disguise.

即笨蛋无处不在。其言下之意就是说人是很好骗的。p.s :不过此句的语法有误。本博主注)。生物学家们对生命的种种伪装现象,对伪装者的进化和基因细节的记录和追踪才刚刚起步。

Men in women's clothes, women in male attire, children disguised in beggars' rags: there were some of all sorts: ci-devant counts, marquises, even dukes, who wanted to fly from France, reach England or some other equally accursed country, and there try to rouse foreign feeling against the glorious Revolution, or to raise an army in order to liberate the wretched prisoners in the Temple, who had once called themselves sovereigns of France.


The White Skeleton Demon adopts a number of disguises in an attempt to trap Tripitaka for this purpose, but Monkey sees through her disguises with his magical vision, and smites the White Skeleton Demon dead.

白色恶魔骨架采用了一些伪装在企图陷阱,三藏为此,猴,但她认为,通过伪装与他的神奇的视野, smites白皮书骨架恶魔死亡。

The main technique applied in our method is derived from the features of the eight bit-planes of a gray image. The XOR bit-wise operation is used for two bit pixels among the neighboring bit-planes from the most significant bit to the least significant bit.

本提出方法是将欲隐藏之灰阶影像分解成八张位元平面,并利用其影像前几个位元平面0与1分布会有群聚现象,将两两位元平面间作XOR (Exclusive-or)运算,再使用线性四元树的观念将运算后的资料进行有效BFS编码,之后再隐藏於伪装图之像素最低位元,使最后藏入资料的伪装图影像仍呈现高度清晰的图像显示,也就是说PSNR的测度皆能远大於30dB。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
