英语人>网络例句>伪装的 相关的搜索结果


与 伪装的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bousset's suggestion, that the Gnostic Sophia is nothing else than a disguise for the Dea Syra, the great goddess Istar, or Astarte, seems worthy of consideration.

美国Bousset的建议,认为诺斯底索菲亚是没有别的比伪装的德亚Syra ,伟大的女神伊斯塔,或阿斯塔特,似乎值得考虑的。

These students manage to study there without being dumb enough to put their friends and colleagues in danger, or to engage in such ridiculous activity as wearing "native disguises"(apparently Ms. Borger isn't aware that the need to dress in disguise to travel around Asia disappeared about the same time as the British Empire).


Crouching in the shadows of the choir balcony high above the altar, Sister Sandrine peered silently through the balustrade at the cloaked monk kneeling alone.


However, if you write the code on your site and you do not intentionally obfuscate, a block of obfuscated code on your site may indicate an injection attack.


So he ate the herring garnished with cat food, tried hard not to hear the paper bags bursting like fire crackers outside the birdhouse at night, and lived terror-stricken closer to the ceiling than the floor, as the cat, his tail flicking, endlessly watched him.


The Gotham they inhabit is shinier and brighter than the antiqued dystopia of "Batman Begins": theirs is the emblematic modern megalopolis (in truth, a cleverly disguised Chicago), soulless, anonymous, a city of distorting and shattering mirrors.


Let his work be judged on its own merit, and not camouflaged behind misleading perceptions created through false advertising.


Some people have described a typical April Fool's Day menu: first a salad of lettuce leaves on a shaman green pepper, but leaves the open after it was found the following oyster cocktail; Dierdaocai baked potato In fact, the following is the sweet crumbs and Xian Mo; Since then, there are dishes on the use of camouflage for the crab meat and chicken salad tomatoes burying in the following raspberry ice cream.

有些人描述了一个典型的愚人节菜单:首先是生菜沙拉上的巫师叶绿辣椒,但离开后却发现下面的牡蛎鸡尾酒开放; Dierdaocai烤土豆,其实下面是甜面包屑和西安钼,自那以后,上有伪装的螃蟹肉,鸡沙拉西红柿以下覆盆子冰淇淋掩埋使用菜肴。

The sea dragon is covered with skin that looks like leaves.


Engineers prepared concrete platforms for siege guns and constructed a camouflaged observation post 900 feet up a ridge of Prinz Heinrich Hill, served by 5 telephone lines and a radio set.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
