英语人>网络例句>传统的 相关的搜索结果


与 传统的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Unexpectedly, we suddenly entered for an anxious time: Old has thevalue idea has lost the potency, each kind of known boundary graduallyis vanishing, lofty with popular, the tradition with the modern age,is ugly beautifully with, constrains and bold, the trade and art, theyare not again the opposition concept...... We cannot identify againthrough the traditional way oneself with opposite party, we cannotsay, I am the proletariat, but he is the bourgeoisie; I am a farmer,but he is the worker...... In we already fell into the huge status tobe anxious.


Part One is an introduction focusing on the background,the significance and the purpose of the present study.Part two provides a brief overview of a theoretical review on the nature of reading process,a brief review of 3 traditional methods of teaching in reading and research on TBLT in china and abroad.Part three introduces Constructivism,Krashen"s "Input and Interactionist Hypothesis" and The affective filter hypothesis,which construct a theoretical frame for the study.Part four provides the application of TBLT to teaching reading in senior middle school,mainly including fundamental principles,types of the reading task design and finally introducing the design of TBLT models in senior high school according to Willis"task-implementing model in teaching.Part five elaborates the experiment itself,mainly including the hypothesis of the present study,the procedures of the experiments and questionnaires.Part six is data collection and analyses.The result of the experiment shows that TBLT is more effective than traditional method in senior middle school English reading.Part seven draws a conclusion to the study.Implications as well as limitations are discussed here.


In his own theoretical framework, Hu Feng found out an unique method of interpretation: to"twist"or even yield to his opponent for his own"Right", which immediately involves the originality of Hu Feng's theoretical system: he made Marxism subjective, combined it with literary and artistic practice since the May 4th Movement. This thesis takes"On the Way of Realism"and"Reports on the Literary and Artistic Practice since Literation"as the main texts for discussion, and concretely expounds Hu Feng's theoretical foundations and meanings as in"writing about reality","humanism","socialist spirit","Five Knifes".


Exclusively produced from bush vines planted in 1908.rietvallei estate,one of the oldest wine producing estates in the robertson region,has been in the burger family since 1864.current owner and winemaker,johhy burger and fifth generation on the estate,is proud to prsent this special and traditional rievallei wine to you.muscadel was the first wine to be produred on the eatate.the wine is stillmade according to the original recipe as set out by the first winemaker on rietvallei, jacobus burger ,who also planted the bush vines,form which this wine was prouduced,in1908.this is a wine that we,as a family,cherish dearly,because it represents all thal is rietvallei...a fimeless family tradition.rietvallei 1908 muscadel is deep red in colour,full-bodied,rich,yet gentle.a floral bouquet comes throuth on the nose,with typical raisiny sweetness and an intense flaours that lingers on the palate and follows through on the afterteste.addintional bottle maturation gives excellent results.

好象这几篇翻译都是你发出的关于一个主题的。大概是有人向你推销葡萄酒或则是找代理销售商吧!Bush vine 成立于1908 ,作为独家生产商,它是一个最古老的葡萄酒基地在robertson 地区,早在1864年它就是burger家族企业,目前该所有经营者和制酒者 Johhy burger和第五代家族成员非常自豪的向你展现制造这种独特的传统配方美酒。muscadel是在这里制作的第一种葡萄酒,Jacobus burger,培育的葡萄园在1908就酿造了第一种葡萄酒,bugger家族人员非常珍爱这种葡萄酒,它就代表着rietvallei,一种家族传统的配方制作。muscadel 颜色深红,饱满柔和,香味牵引着鼻子。典型的葡萄干味道还有夹杂着深深的香味在嘴边不停的徘徊回味无穷。通过后来有关坚定,瓶装的发酵对此发挥了巨大的作用能力有限,供仁兄参考之用

And the westernized women's clothing formed, namely the women's clothing of Shanghai's style.2、 Westernized subject content that the westernization of the modeling element is the women's clothing, and modeling westernization of element clothing structure, clothing modeling form change that westernization brings of craft in fact: The westernization of the element of the surface fabric, on one hand influenced by western artistic style, on one hand textile technology, westernized result of technology of dyeing ; The auxiliary materials element is occidentalized to followthe direct result of western fashion , aesthetic change.3、 Key point that Shanghai women's clothing is westernized that widewesternization is the Republic of China period, occidentalize to make the wholeform of the women's clothing changed into the Western-style S type from thetraditional H type in wide type, the change of such external form is the widecultural transition to narrow clothes decorations culture of clothes decorations infact.4、 In the westernized course of the women's clothing of the Republic of ChinaShanghai, 1920 times rely mainly on the fact that the dress is matched andoccidentalized ; 1930 times rely mainly on occidentalizing in modeling ; And1940 times rely mainly on the fact that the auxiliary materials are occidentalized .

局部西化女装是在保留部分传统女装构成元素的基础上,通过造型元素西化、面料元素西化或辅料元素西化,而形成的西化女装,即海派女装。 2、造型元素的西化是女装西化的主体内容,而造型元素的西化实质上是服装结构、工艺的西化带来的服装造型形态变化;面料元素的西化,一方面是受到西方艺术风格的影响,一方面是纺织技术、染色技术的西化结果;辅料元素西化多是追随西方流行时尚、审美变化的直接结果。 3、廓型的西化是民国时期上海女装西化的关键所在,廓型西化使得女装的整体形态由传统的H型转变为西式的S型,这种外在的形态的改变实质上是宽衣服饰文化向窄衣服饰文化的过渡。 4、民国上海女装的西化过程中,1920年代以服饰搭配西化为主;1930年代以造型西化为主;而1940年代以辅料西化为主。

the digitized mapping technique is to combine the field data collection system with the computer assisted mapping system in surveys by computer technology.it aims to realize the information collected and processed digitally and automaticaity.the digitized mapping technique can cut short the working time,lighten the labor intensity and enhance the precision of the productions.the system consists of three parts,such as data input,data processing and data output.the survey-record digitized mapping technique is widely used in the digitized mapping working pattern.for its superiority over traditional plane-table mapping in accuracy and efficiency,the large scale digital mapping is becoming more and more popular.compared with traditional analogue mapping,digital mapping has more quality control pivotai points,and its contents and methods are more complex.with the appearance of new technology gps ,the coordinate of different levels controlling points may be surveyed in high precision and it has been applied widely in topographic survey.the operation process of gps electronic tachometer is introduced and its application in topographic survey is br

计算机应用论文,计算机论文, rtk ,全站仪,数字测图,地形测量, gps论文摘要:数字测图是在测量工作中利用电子计算机技术将野外数据采集系统与内业机助制图系统相结合,其目标是实现信息采集处理的数字化、自动化、信息化。数字测图可以缩短作业时间,减轻劳动强度,提高成果精度。数字测图系统主要由数据输入、数据处理和数据输出3部分组成,数字测图作业模式中测记式数字测图应用最为广泛。大比例尺数字测图正以其测图精度高,成图速度快等优势逐步的取代传统的,以平板仪为主的模拟测图。与传统的模拟测图相比,数字测图的质量控制关键点更多、内容与方法更为复杂。gps 新技术的出现,可以高精度并快速地测定各级控制点的坐标,在地形测量中已得到广泛地应用。本文介绍了gps 配合全站仪的作业流程,简要阐明了其在地形测量中的应用。在利用实测数据成图的过程中,解决一些常见的问题,并给出解决的办法及依据,同时给出一些有益的结论,以适应实际使用的需要。

It's pointed out that soft sensor will play more important role in field bus network control system. According to this, a crude solution was addressed. At last, we point out that soft sensor technology must used to build an information warehouse for the whole enterprise, combined with data fusion, data warehouse, data rectification and other related technologies. The main contributions of this dissertation are as follows: The background, requirement, and application situation of soft sensors are expounded, the theories, methods and skills of soft sensing technology are analyzed, and the fruits and problems in current soft sensor technologies are summarized. Some new methods of soft sensor is proposed: A principal component analysis-based secondary variable selection method are proposed; A new conception which modeling data should have gross error detection is addressed, and then a cluster analysis-based modeling data gross error detection method is given.


Several experimental applications have been developed finally. In this paper, there areinnovations from the following four aspects:1. Definition and research methods of current distributed system and distributedinteractive simulation system follow those of traditional parallel computing system.While this paper points out it is one-sided to measure the scalability just from thenumber of processors and performance of a system, because the resources of distributed systems are heterogeneous and they can be used in diverse applications. Inthis paper, scalability of distributed interactive simulation platform is defined as theability of scaling (including scale-up and scale-down) in functionality and performanceof systems which is run on the platform when number of processors and otherhardware resources such as network change, i.e. when problem size is scaled up and system resources is increased, the performanceremains fixed and it is easy to expand the functions of simulationapplications.


Third, the writer analyses it from theory and practice in these aspects: the determination of order, the updates and adjustments of majors, the selection and transfer of students, the organization of teaching and the education of professional competence. Especially by combining with the practice in the adjustment of major and the organization of teaching of Hebei Energy Institute of Vocation and Technology, the writer brings forward viewpoints that higher vocational education should be oriented by market, aim at fully employment and put the order-orientated training mode into practice. And the essay puts across the operation of this mode in details, that is traditional syllogistic teaching mode should be shifted to the mode of large platform and specialty, the mode of examination should be reformed, and the system of double-certificate should be adopted.


Zhang Xiangning thinks, medium pattern of China will produce change further, traditional press, magazine general to Internet transition, favor what lose young generation reader inevitably otherwise; While traditional network faction is growing continuously, also will welcome the challenge of the long end a group of people of same interest such as guest of such as rich, community; TV station, broadcasting station will form Pk with network video site, in look at present, both suffer numerous not quite consistent still, basically the user teleview stage before 70 time, broadcasting station is more, and 80 after give priority to with the network, but after be in, competition will be inevitable.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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