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与 传统的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This essay discusses the two tradition in western philosophy of education : the divide between reasoning rational value education tradition represented by Plato and the rhetorical education tradition represented by Isocrates, and explains the difficulties and revelations brought by this divide especially for China in which there is no religion value education.


The administration of justice in traditional China has been criticized for disregarding established rules and precedents and thus likened to "Khadi justice."


In the new period, the revolutionary tinge began to fade away and the tradition of the revolutionary literature was deconstructed so that a new historical relationship of betrayal and retrogress was established.


Yet, once a worship of Confucian doctrine of Song and Ming dynasties and later a modern intellectual of liberalism, Mr. Cai was shown in his ideas to be deeply influenced by the tradition of "ideology first" on the one hand, and on the other hand, to be a unique modern enlightener, he reevaluated the traditional values according to the needs for survival in new conditions. So what he tried to do goes far beyond the explanatory power of the traditional ideology and the modernity, and rather, is an attempt to reconstruct them.


As to his opinions on traditional culture, esp. the classic poems and verses, his contradicting idea was also overwhelming. On the one hand, he advocated referring to western poetics rather than Chinese classic poems and verses due to its lack in content, form and language; on the other hand, deeply influenced by Chinese classic culture and hard to get rid of it, he was ineluctably restricted by Chinese classic culture and finally regressed to the traditional mood of Chinese intellectuals.


Within these influences and modern nomocracy appeared such conflict as between manually governing tradition and nomocracy spirit、the nomothetical conflict within the traditional morality of legal system and nomocracy construction、the conflict between revolutionary tradition and the conservative spirit of nomocracy、between traditional awkward law consciousness and fine law requirement of nomocracy construction、between the law concept that regarding law as traditional tool and looking on law as justice and so on.


The thesis is organized into three parts: in the first part, through analysis of the ideal of habitat environment in the traditional culture, the central issues of the study -natural ecology and morphological ecology - are proposed; in the second part, through the theory of sustainable development and ecology, the typical cased in traditional habitat are evaluated from different standpoints, and sustainable development strategies of the traditional habitat environment in the aspects of natural ecology and morphological ecology are recapitulated; in the third part, with cases of the experimental practices nowadays in habitat environment, the possibility of the representation and development of the spirit in the traditional ideal habitat environment are finally presented.


Adopting methods such as PRA interview,field survey and forest sample plot survey, the forest traditional culture of deity mountain in Gaoligong mountain area was investigated.


Accessories for the miniature furniture are replicated using materials such as gold foil,silver wire,copper and bamboo.


The traditional culture in curriculum of our country has dual nature, one is the traditional Confucianism in China culture, and another is educational culture that formed by national system, ideology in socialism country founded more than 50 years.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
