英语人>网络例句>传真 相关的搜索结果


与 传真 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In case of vanning/devanning, the permittee shall send a notification (CED 374) to Customs (Fax: 2429 4167) detailing the particulars of the vanning/devanning operation 24 hours before such operation begins.

如须装柜/拆柜,持证人须於该项工序开始前二十四小时向香港海关呈交通知书(海关表格374)列明该项装柜/拆柜工序的详情(传真:2429 4167)。

After Arsenal fax to Milan with the declaration of the player is not on offer, and the letter to manager Arsène Wenger to consider rossonera hypothesis, now appear phon messages discovered by El Mundo Deportivo.


You can send faxes, photocopy and email from there.


Beacon-fire, beating a drum, pigeon, post, telegraph, telephone, mobile phone, computer, messenger fax and satellite.


They pointed out that though the set costs for fax equipment in the convenience stores, such as setup cost and system maintenance fees, are high, consumers use the equipment at a very low frequency.


Please complete a new Power of Attorney form and fax to our office in Zurich.


2Notice of readiness shall be tendered by fax/e-mail during office hours between 8:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday whether vessel in port or not, whether vessel in berth or not, whether vessel has been customs cleared or not, whether vessel has been granted free pratique


You can pre -arrange to be sent within 24 hours, black and white fax.

您可以预先安排要在24 小时内发送的黑白传真

Faxes did indeed carve a big chunk out of the business, but messengers hung on, thanks both to the poor quality of faxes and to new technology, such as pagers, which allowed prompter dispatch.


You can, telephone, fax or e-mail contact us, we will promptly reply to any of your advice


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Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Damascus, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they have threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of iron

1:3 ***如此说,大马士革三番四次的犯罪,我必不免去她的刑罚。因为她以傣粮食的铁器打过基列。

Firstly, a new entanglement measure is proposed.


First of all,appeal the law to prohibit reversed payment,unify this with the BOLAR exception,and promote the drugs into the market as soon as possible.
