英语人>网络例句>会腐蚀的 相关的搜索结果


与 会腐蚀的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The result indicates that the high pH concrete pore solution can reduce corrosion of Cl~ on the carbonize steel.

结果表明,高pH值的混凝土孔隙液能减缓氯离子对碳钢的腐蚀;当pH≥13.6时,在NaC l浓度小于3%的混凝土孔隙液中,碳钢表面因生成钝化膜而不被腐蚀;当pH≤9时,混凝土孔隙液中无论是否存在C l-,碳钢均会被腐蚀;当pH=12.5时,混凝土孔隙液中NaC l浓度小于0.05%,碳钢则不被腐蚀;当混凝土孔隙液中的C l-浓度达到临界氯离子浓度时,碳钢表面的钝化膜开始损坏而被腐蚀,碳钢的腐蚀速度随着C l-浓度的增加而增大。

Sees only the twinkling of an eye time, suffers the corrosion to change the yellow left hand outer space glove, the sudden color changes gradually black, the surface starts the crack to carbonize, this time Huang Qu senior official yellow Jinlong already obviously felt, the left hand points to the end to start to give off heat; This kind of corrosive steam has finally revealed the ominous ruthless unusual truth about the matter, this sudden gradation lets the human be virtually impossible to guard against, is following the strong corrosion permeability, before long on perish entire outer space glove outer layer and fast thorough in, Huang Qu senior official yellow Jinlong had a premonition the situation is not wonderful, wants to return to the planetoid control center immediately, in order to takes off the outer space glove under the artificial environment which this only bad luck passes goes against, because in on this high speed movement planetoid, the surface temperature may melt the steel and iron, once casts off the outer space glove, the flesh and blood constitution manpower can instantaneous burn, and can threaten human's entire life immediately!


Take some of the recent academic research: computer graphics allow us to predict whether small molecules will fit into or react with larger ones - this could lead to a whole new generation of drugs to control disease; chemists are also studying the use of chemicals to trap the sun's energy and to purify sea water; they are also investigating the possibility of using new ceramic materials to replace metals which can corrode.


The next step was to remove the deceased person's inner organs. A slit was cut into the left side of the body so that the embalmers could remove the intestines, the liver, the stomach and the lungs. Each of these organs was embalmed using natron, which served to dry out the organs and discourage bacteria from decaying the tissues.


The X-ray diffraction results of corrosion products and scanning electron microscopy analysis of corrosion surface were used to comparatively investigate the corrosion properties of Zn/Al coatings, and to study the self-sealing mechanism.


The hygienic and toxinfree Xinli PP-R pipes serial products are green and environmental construction materials, which have been recommended by the four ministries and commissions of the State Department, The products are heatresistant which means that the temperature of the supplied water can reach 95℃ under the specified long-term working hours, They are also corrosion-resistant and antiscale and can prevent any corrosion and rust in pipes, lavers and bathtubs.


It is tempting to say that Asia's unique brand of capitalism, by seamlessly weaving together strategic state intervention, corporate long-term thinking, and insuppressible popular desire for material betterment, will outcompete either the greed-devastated U.S. model or the hidebound European variant.


Passivation process also has some drawbacks, including hard buck coke catalyst bed treatment、polythionic acid stress corrosion cracking prevent for sensitively materials, meanwhile passivation process must be coordination between skillful local workers with knowledgeable company.


If fluxed parts are allowed to stand, the water in the flux will 耐腐蚀液下泵, and dried flux is 不锈钢软管型号 to flake off, exposing metal surfaces to oxidation.


And so, as we have said, the iron gate leading into the kitchen-garden had been closed up and left to the rust, which bade fair before long to eat off its hinges, while to prevent the ignoble glances of the diggers and delvers of the ground from presuming to sully the aristocratic enclosure belonging to the mansion, the gate had been boarded up to a height of six feet.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
