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与 以神话解释 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Shanks: It's the use of mythology in a very liberal kind of way, to take unexplained mythology from our past and to convolute it and put our own take on what it is supposed to represent.


That life comes with death is a fate common to all human beings One could observe the phenomenon of death but never understand its reality which explains why humans have had such a great fear of death Yet death remains a brutal fact after all and only with an adequate interpretation of it can human being face up to death The present dissertation is intended to explore ancient views on death in terms of three kinds of "life-seeking" attitudes: metaplasia resurrection and longetivity The primitives employed the collective myth-making to explain the riddle of death and create the belief in the "solidarity of life " Chuang-tzu accepted such a belief and developed in addition the idea of "qi" through his concept of "metamorphosis " In the period of Eastern Zhou it became popular to imagine dead people turning into ghosts and this brought out the idea of "soul " Yet is there another world after one dies?


On the poetics level, using a irrational female-genesis to self-explaining; using a "body-writing" as a self-domination, making a self-realization by ways of "dark","blood","death", such as those feminine imagination; making a self-represent ion by "monologue". On cultural consciousness level, takinga self-searching on reconsidering woman's status and ending in love; taking a self-awaking by showing what a mother had "done" for daughter in order to serve and maintain man society; introducing a self-remolding through recover and rebel the man ideology; be self-awakening and oppugning the man-centre society, within its cultural "make","assimilation" to female herself.


On the poetics level, using a irrational female-genesis to self-explaining; using a "body-writing" as a self-domination, making a self-realization by ways of "dark","blood","death", such as those feminine imagination; making a self-represent ion by "monologue". On cultural consciousness level, takinga self-searching on reconsidering woman's status and ending in love; taking a self-awaking by showing what a mother had "done" for daughter in order to serve and maintain man society; introducing a self-remolding through recover and rebel the man ideology; be self-awakening and oppugning the man-centre society, within its cultural "make","assimilation" to female herself.


Christian apologists nowadays claim that Christianity cleared the way for natural science by demythologising the world.


The ancient Greeks revered the power of nature; with myth, they made sense of it and they infused it in their religion, their stories, their history.


The hordes of American who roll out of bed, slip into their Reeboks and run for an hour in the face of snarling dogs, potential muggers and hordes of Americans heading in the opposite direction on their Schwinn 10-speeds must wonder sometimes whether it's worth the aggravation after all , if a rash of recent books and articles like "The Exercise Myth" can be believed, the evidence that physical activity leads to a longer and healthier life is based on a flawed interpretation of cause and effect.

卷离床的美国人的群众,面对吼叫进入他们的短角羚之内下滑而且达 1 小时竞选狗,潜在的 muggers 和美国人的群众在他们的 Schwinn 10 上的相反方向中朝向-速度一定有时怀疑资讯科技是否是值在全部后的更恶化,如果一轻率的最近书和文章同类&练习神话&能被相信,实际的活动导致较长和健康生活的证据以因素和效果的有缺陷解释为基础。

Running for Your Life A Harvard study links exercise with longevity The hordes of American who roll out of bed, slip into their Reeboks and run for an hour in the face of snarling dogs, potential muggers and hordes of Americans heading in the opposite direction on their Schwinn 10-speeds must wonder sometimes whether it's worth the aggravation after all , if a rash of recent books and articles like "The Exercise Myth" can be believed, the evidence that physical activity leads to a longer and healthier life is based on a flawed interpretation of cause and effect.

为你的生活赛跑一项哈佛研究用长命联编练习卷离床的美国人的群众,面对吼叫进入他们的短角羚之内下滑而且达 1 小时竞选狗,潜在的 muggers 和美国人的群众在他们的 Schwinn 10 上的相反方向中朝向-速度一定有时怀疑资讯科技是否是值在全部后的更恶化,如果一轻率的最近书和文章同类&练习神话&能被相信,实际的活动导致较长和健康生活的证据以因素和效果的有缺陷解释为基础。


I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
