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与 以...为满足 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To the author, today's postmodern consumer society enables people to appreciate and consume works of art in an aesthetic way, hence the birth of iconographical writing with images as the major means of representation. For it might satisfy the aesthetic needs of the broad reading public. But icon-critics should be endowed with greater ability to read and interpret pictures or images.


It points out that the development of Xinjiang's commodity can not achieved unless it develops commodity in inde...


Secondly,it discusses and enumerates the facts about pros and cons,alienation of the MRP.lt affirms that most advantage of MRP,as the rules of a unified company"s will reflects the equal status of shareholders and "Limited democracy".Meamwhile,it points out that the principle also provides the possibility for shareholders to change their own will into company"s will by voting "legally,fairly and sensibly",and to oppress,squeeze,swindle or to treat medium and small shareholders inequitably,or to abuse control power,in order to satisfy their own private interests.Thus,"the protection of the rights and interests of medium and small shareholders"realizes the high-level equality between big shareholders and medium and small shareholders,between majority stockholders and minoritystockholders ,with a view to redressing unbalanced interests relationship among shareholders.


In November 2000, the educationdepartment published the new release "the outline of physical and health teaching", whichconcludes Soft Volleyball is the important content of the elementary school and the middleschool teaching. It makes over a hundred million students know and study Soft Volleyball inclass. This article adopts investigable methods, such as literature, expert accessing,questionnaire, statistic, logic analysis etc.


Enterprises must innovate the marketing tactics and marketing way in order to meet knowledge type customer"s demands, Knowledge marketing has offered solved tools as innovative mode of marketing those enterprises in era of knowledge-driven economy, in the marketing system of knowledge, traditional 4Ps marketing association tactics also have been given the new meaning, formed the 4Is marketing association tactics (such as Individual product and service, Price Indenture, The Platform Bases onInternet, Knowledge Intercourse)that have already been realized and proved in practice, Except the innovation of marketing association, the way of knowledge marketing is innovating constantly too, Learning Marketing and Experience Marketing is two ways among them, They direct against three kinds of rare resources on the knowledged customer to design concrete marketing method, tool in order to obtain the knowledged customer"s attention and trust separately, Learning Marketing attracts the attention of the knowledged customer according to the knowledge learning and exchanging of enterprises" marketing employee, management employee and the whole society. Experience Marketing let knowledged customer participate in the course of the products or the service according to consumption experiencing, a kind of special marketing mode. Not only met the characteristic that the knowledged customer is fond of participation but also obtained the knowledge type customer"s trust.This article includes five chapters:Chapter one preface introduces such questions as writing background, original intention of the selected title and thinking frame in the writing course of this article and expounds the reason emphatically that how to choose knowledged customer to summarize the new customer group. Study is a way to obtain knowledge; knowledge is an achievement of study also includes the customer"s self- innovation, meanwhile, proves to the small difference between the customer and customer.Chapter two put forward the knowledged customer"s concept, defines the knowledge customer"s definition and analyze its intension and epitaxy, also discusses rare resources on the knowledged customer. This article defines the knowledged customer as those groups and individuals that utilize knowledge to guide one"s own consumption practice and constant study and carry on the knowledge innovation constantly, they have completely new traits different from the old customer, time

企业必须对营销策略和营销方式进行创新以满足知识型顾客的需求,知识营销作为知识经济时代企业的一种营销创新模式为我们提供了一个解决工具,在知识营销体系中,传统的4Ps营销组合也被赋予了新的意义,形成了4Is营销组合(即个性化的产品和服务Individual product and service、基于协商下的价格约定Price Indenture、基于网络的信息技术平台The Platform Bases on Internet、知识的交流Knowledge Intercourse),4Is营销组合已被越来越多的企业意识到并在企业的营销实践中得到了验证;除了营销组合的创新,知识营销的营销方式也在不断地创新,学习营销和体验营销便是其中两种方式,它们针对知识型顾客身上的三种稀缺性资源设计具体的营销方法、工具分别用以获取知识型顾客的注意力和信任度,其中学习营销通过企业内部营销人员、管理人员和企业外部全社会的知识学习、交流来吸引知识型顾客的注意;体验营销则通过消费体验这种特殊的方式让知识型顾客参与到产品或服务的过程

Martha Bigelow, Letitia Basford and Esther Smidt.(2008)."Supporting Hmong Newcomers' Academic and Social Transition to Elementary School." Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement 3: 1-22. This article reports on the perceptions teachers and educational assistants had about how well Transitional Language Centers and a Language Academy program met the needs of elementary aged Hmong children resettled in the Saint Paul Public School system from Wat Tham Krabok. View this article online

玛莎·毕格罗,利蒂希娅·巴斯福德,以斯特·施密特,2008,美籍东南亚裔教育与发展期刊,2008年第3期,第1-22页;题目为&协助苗族定居者在小学阶段的学术和社会过渡&,这片文章主要是报告了过渡语言中心的教师和教育协助者的看法和见解以及语言中心的一些项目如何满足那些刚从泰国Wat Tham Krabok(要是我没记错的话,Wat Tham Krabok本来是泰国的一个苗族难民营,2004年还是06年泰国决定关闭这个难民营,所有的难民都迁往美国定居了)的苗族孩子们在明尼苏达州圣保罗公立学校系统中的需求。

Bromine and its mainly engaged in the production of downstream products and research and development, bromine annual output of 4,000 tons of products, quality standards in line with GB 2021-94, 2,6 dibromo 4 nitroaniline, more than 1,000 tons of annual production, quality to meet Customers as a standard, best-selling products at home and abroad.

主要从事溴素及其下游产品的生产和研发工作,溴素产品年产量4000余吨,质量符合GB 2021-94标准,2,6二溴4硝基苯胺,年产量1000余吨,质量以满足客户为标准,产品畅销国内外。

The new generation ES350 LEXUS L-finesse design phi l osophy is based on every sense of the human spirit to fu l fi l l a l l your expectations.


Researching on the decision-maker's behavior hypothesis and classification principle in incomplete informational risk assessment, this paper built the rational decision-making route as①releasing the sequential or partible hypothesis of individual preference and alternatives independence condition in order to satisfy the actual decision-making;②keeping the optimal result of group decision-making according as the thought of"Binary comparison"of sequence path independence condition SPI building the hierarchy structure in opening frame of discernment to increase granularity of discernment.


In pursuit of satisfaction of customers individualized needs,this company establishes a perfect color plasm combination system to provide superior after-sales services.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
