- 与 代表的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
It pointed out the basic historic mission of the first generation of CPC people headed by Zedong Mao is the independence of the country and national liberation, to overthrow the "three big mountains "pressing on the heads of Chinese people and all reactionary forces to hinder Chinese social progress, and from this formed the mode of thinking with the main character of revolution; The basic historic mission of the second generation CPC people headed by Xiaoping Deng is to transform the rigid economic and political system of traditional socialism, from thinking theory, eliminate the bookishness and"Left"dogmatism which hindered economic development and social progress and spread seriously, and from this formed the mode of thinking with the main character of transformation; Then, the basic historic mission of the third generation CPC people headed by Zemin Jiang is, on the basis of the cause opened by the first and second generations CPC people, to open up the new situations of building the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, in theory and practice, realize overall creation in all fields of life, and from this formed the mode of thinking with the main character of creation; The historic mission undertaken by the new central leading group headed by Jintao Hu is to completely realize the objective of well-off society, strengthen international competitive, the main point is economic development, the stress is in the countryside, and the difficult point lies in social development.
The traditional corporate governance patterns such as Germanic internal control pattern, Britannic external control pattern and Southeast Asian family control pattern are not so good as people imagined.
Represents the old order of aristocratic decline and the growing lord dead end, and represents the relationship between Northern capitalism and the inter-vehicle cotton gin is to attack with Emily as the representative of the decadent system of southern aristocracy.
A diplomatic bag may be entrusted to the captain of a commercial aircraft He shall be provided with an official document issued by the consigner state indicating the number of packages constituting the bag, but he shall not be regarded as a diplomatic courier The mission shall send its members to receive the diplomatic bag from the captain of the aircraft or deliver it to him
Customers include E-Mart, Trust-mart, Wal-Mart, Carrefour, the early-Lotus, Lok purchase, Century Lianhua, the Runfa, a good, family-run, every Ma, Lok passengers, 100 Sheng as the representative of the chain business systems, to Orient Overseas, Pohang Iron and Hang Lung as the representative of the real estate group, represented by the Construction Bank to the banking system, FAW, factories and enterprises such as DuPont and Darling Harbour, thinking Yanli Chain restaurants and other beauty companies.
According to Gee,a player immersed in a game utilizes the interactions between three separate i dentities to succeed at that game, first, there is the real identity of the plater representing 代表 his or her real-world self.
据张基,玩家沉浸在游戏采用互动三个独立i dentities成功,在那场比赛,第一,是有真实身份的plater 代表代表他或她的现实世界中的自我。
If therefore the executive, who has the power of convoking the legislative, observing rather the true proportion, than fashion of representation, regulates, not by old custom, but true reason, the number of members, in all places that have a right to be distinctly represented, which no part of the people however incorporated can pretend to, but in proportion to the assistance which it affords to the public, it cannot be judged to have set up a new legislative, but to have restored the old and true one, and to have rectified the disorders which succession of time had insensibly, as well as inevitably introduced: For it being the interest as well as intention of the people, to have a fair and equal representative; whoever brings it nearest to that, is an undoubted friend to, and establisher of the government, and cannot miss the consent and approbation of the community; prerogative being nothing but a power, in the hands of the prince, to provide for the public good, in such cases, which depending upon unforeseen and uncertain occurrences, certain and unalterable laws could not safely direct; whatsoever shall be done manifestly for the good of the people, and the establishing the government upon its true foundations, is, and always will be, just prerogative.
Chapter two studies the relationship between Three Representatives important thought and people view in the point of theory, focally analyses inner relations among three parts of Three Representatives important thought and the essence of the thought.
Among deputies to the National People's Congress and local people's congresses at various levels
Yes,different colour represents different meaning in different cuntries;in Chinese culture,red represents luck,fortune and auspiciousness;while in western countries,red is the colour of blood,it signifies impulse,provocation and riot,so the Chinese always wear red clothes in festivals,while the westers will choose blue,because they think blue represent calmness and composure.
- 推荐网络例句
With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.
But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.
Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......