英语人>网络例句>仙女 相关的搜索结果


与 仙女 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There exist in this world a range of sublunary spirits that carminibus coelo possunt deducere lunam, and they have been divided since ancient times into six kinds: fiery, aerial, terrestrial, watery, subterranean, and the whole class of fair-ies and nymphs.

世上有一群人间精灵,carminibus coelo possunt deducere lunam 。它们早在远古时代就分成了六类:火精、气精、地精、水精、土精,以及全体仙灵和水仙女

Sister is susu , she is very beautiful, in my eyes she is the great lover!!


It was no dream of the gift of idle hours, Or easy gold at the hand of fay or elf: Anything more than the truth would have seemed too weak To the earnest love that laid the swale in rows, Not without feeble-pointed spikes of flowers, and scared a bright green snake.


The conclusion sums up the evolvement characteristic of the two national mythology : the mythical culture of Mongolia is influenced by Buddhism mythology deeply, and the ancient mythology of the Manchu is influenced by other national mythical culture less that is still keeping original natural style. The taleization and epic characteristic of Mongol mythology is obvious. The Manchu mythology, as each clan of clan oracle, mythology, refreshing song, is mainly kept by the form of teaching orally generation by generation. Swan fairy maiden tale obtains different development in two nationalities. In the mythology of two national Shamanism, the worship form of hawk and vulture and the production of Shaman is derives from the common faith—Shamanism.


The upright white hewn studs and freshly planed door and window casings gave it a clean and airy look, especially in the morning, when its timbers were saturated with dew, so that I fancied that by noon some sweet gum would exude from them. To my imagination it retained throughout the day more or less of this auroral character, reminding me of a certain house on a mountain which I had visited a year before. This was an airy and unplastered cabin, fit to entertain a travelling god, and where a goddess might trail her garments.


You compare her with your English women who wolf down from three to five meat meals a day; and naturally you find her a sylph.


MRS BREEN:(In a onepiece evening frock executed in moonlight blue, a tinsel sylph's diadem on her brow with her dancecard fallen beside her moonblue satin slipper, curves her palm softly, breathing quickly) Voglio e non.


Tantalus was the rich and mighty king of lydia.son of zeus by a fairy maiden,he was greatly favored by the gods.


Tantalus was the rich and mighty king of lydia.son ofzeus by a fairy maiden,he was greatly favored by the gods.he was invited to share wine and food with them at their banquets,and he was let into their secrets .but ever the latter end of joy is woe .either because he had stolen wine orgave away the secrets of zeus,or because he had become so proud as to test the gods by serving up the flesh of his son pelopsto them,he incurred the wrath of zeus and was hurled down to the everlasting darkness of tartarus .there he was made tostand up to his chin in a little lake,with clusters of luscious fruits hanging over and around his head.he strove eternally to drink the ever-evading water and to clutch at the delicious fruits which were ever tossed out of his reach by blasts of wind.thus he was doomed to endure endless burning thirst and bitter hunger in the world of the shades.the whole occurrence has given rise to the expression"tantalizing",meaning somethng inplain view but unattainable .


Tantalus tantalus was the rich and mighty king of lydia.son ofzeus by a fairy maiden ,he was greatly favored by the gods.he was invited to share wine and food with them at their banquets,and he was let into their secrets .but ever the latter end of joy is woe .either because he had stolen wine orgave away the secrets of zeus ,or because he had become so proud as to test the gods by serving up the flesh of his son pelopsto them,he incurred the wrath of zeus and was hurled down to the everlasting darkness of tartarus .there he was made tostand up to his chin in a little lake,with clusters of luscious fruits hanging over and around his head.he strove eternally to drink the ever-evading water and to clutch at the delicious fruits which were ever tossed out of his reach by blasts of wind.thus he was doomed to endure endless burning thirst and bitter hunger in the world of the shades.the whole occurrence has given rise to the expression"tantalizing ",meaning somethng inplain view but unattainable.

坦塔罗斯坦塔罗斯是罗底亚富有而又强大的国王。他是宙斯和一位仙女的儿子,深受众神喜爱。众神请他参加宴会,与他们共享美酒与美食,并且还让他了解他们的秘密。然而乐极生悲。或许是他偷了美酒、或者泄露了宙斯的秘密、或许是他太骄傲以至于献上自己儿子珀罗普斯的肉来检验神的智慧,他招致了宙斯的愤怒,被打入了永远黑暗的地狱中。在那里他被迫站定于一小湖中,水没至下颌,无数甜美的水果悬于头顶和四周。他从不间歇地努力喝水,但水总是从嘴边流走;他试图抓住那些美味的水果,但总是被阵阵来风吹离,使他无法得到。因而他注定要在阴间遭受炙渴和难以忍受的饥饿。"tantalizing "一词即由此而来,意思是在眼前却无法得到的某个东西。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
