英语人>网络例句>从右至左的 相关的搜索结果


与 从右至左的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Two show an incrementing bar, and the other shows a bar that 'bounces' from left to right ad infinitum


The birthstones are set in order of the childrens birth from left to right.


From the left: Italy: The Italian castrato Farinelli (Carlo Broschi 1705-1782) led a fairy-tale life, first on European opera stages and then at the Spanish royal court in Madrid.

从左至右:义大利:义大利被阉割的男歌手Farinelli(Carlo Broschi,1705-1782)曾经过著童话般的生活,他先是在欧洲剧院唱歌,后来在马德里的西班牙皇家宫廷唱歌。

From left to right: 9kV 30mA (270W) Neon Sign transformer, 10 sections series static gap, 12V battery to run gap fans (later replaced by a wall adapter), tank capacitor, Tesla Coil.

从左至右依次为:9kV 30mA的(270W)霓虹灯变压器,10节系列静态差距,12V电池运行的差距球迷,坦克电容器,特斯拉线圈。

The outermost nest of curly braces defines the leftmost dimension, and works from left to right.


From left to right, Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces, Major General Jorge Molina, Commander of the U.S. Southern Command James Stavridis and Salvadorian deputy Renato Perez, salute during a ceremony honoring Salvadorian soldiers killed during the Iraq war in San Salvador, Wednesday, Dec.

12月19日圣萨尔瓦多,从左至右,美军参谋长联席会议主席,少将Jorge Molina,美国南方司令部司令官Jorge Molina和萨尔瓦多代表Renato Perez在一个纪念在伊拉克战争中牺牲的萨尔瓦多士兵的仪式上敬礼。

National Flag: The national flag (proportions 7 by 4) has three equal vertical stripes from hoist to fly, of green, white and red, with the state emblem (abrown eagle, holding a snake in its beak, on a green cactus, with a wreath of oak and laurel beneath) in the centre of the white strip.

国 旗:从左至右由绿、白、红三个垂直长方形组成,中央绘有墨西哥国徽。绿色象征独立和希望,白色象征和平与宗教信仰,红色象征国家的统一。

Start your body stretches with gentle neck rotations from left to right.


Panes all items are added from left to right.


From left to right on the symmetry plot, both ordinates increase because both values in each ordered pair move farther from the median.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
