英语人>网络例句>人情味 相关的搜索结果


与 人情味 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After I saw you article,I can't image you are so youngIf wake up the people who just begin a dream,even though they have enough sleep totally,they may become testiness and figety.


It is simple and unadorned, full of wisdom and strong feelings.


It also explains why men who had aloof, unaffectionate mothers often marry women who are physically and emotionally distant.


The oldest, wisest politician grows not more human so, but is merely a gray wharf rat at last.


The newest statistic material that according to Chinese adolescent guilty seminar publishs shows: In often playing the adolescent that the net swims, the proportion that has violent tendency is Everyman 4 to 5 times; The child that abandon net swims, divide not clear real world and fictitious world easily, become inhospitality, dissocial, traitorous, devoid the milk of human kindness.


In the case of Sundar Singh, he was willing to lose his life on behalf of another, and in the process found it, in the case of his callous companion, he sought to save his life but lost it.

从Sundar Singh的角度看,他愿意付出生命的代价帮助别人,在帮助别人的过程中,他获得了生命。而对于他缺少人情味的同伴,他本想保全自己的性命,却偏偏失去了它。

Writer/director Michael Davis has loaded the film with one unforgettably imaginative image after another: spent shell casings bouncing off a pregnant woman's stomach, a gun dropping in an unflushed toilet, a hand with bullets between the fingers shoved into a fireplace as an improvised weapon.

硬汉抱著BB,在枪林弹雨下作战……《无名火》的灵感原来是来自吴宇森经典作品《辣手神探》,片中周润发一手抱著婴儿,一手拿著机关枪的场面,早已成为吴宇森的 Icon,而导演米高戴维斯正是被这经典一幕所启发,从而发展成《无名火》这个揉合暴力、枪战、幽默及人情味的动作电影。

This then advertises to say the physical labor gram 斯 watch doesn't need to be taken a rest, suggesting to walk accurate, the strength head is hundred percent, providing the abyss of time to serve for 24 hour, the quality is best, don't need to come to a stop the characteristics for fixing, publicizeed the good quality of the product skillfully, chasing product personify, making the product have human interest.


While, how can we make our life and circumstances more elegant and humanized?


In these absorbing interviews with star performers in the financial markets, Schwager humanizes the mechanics and psychology behind billion-dollar daily world trading in such sophisticated instruments as currencies, stock options, commodity futures, and mutual-fund accounts by individuals, investment firms and group-trading computerized "money machines."


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
