英语人>网络例句>人恐怖 相关的搜索结果


与 人恐怖 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, when times more progress, more and more remote ghost legends and not when Halloween has become a very fun celebration, we can manage to find ways self-entertainment entertain people, most of the frightened and nervous terrorist, dressed shown to play purposes.


Barro said President Obama spoke at length about the death toll from the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington but failed to address how many people have been killed by U.S.


"Proof of life" is a film from 21 countries, international co-shot film, described how the international anti-terrorist organization kidnapped hostage rescue story.


I wouldn't recommend those of you who have Entomophobia to look through these pictures. They are kind of spooky. That's how it looks like when swarms of insects attack cities.


Pan Am 103 had been cruising over Srbska-Kamenice when an explosion occurred (The terrorist group, Croatian National Movement was named as responsible for the deaths of all but one) and as astonishing as it sounds V.V.

泛美航空103航班飞越Srbska-Kamenice上空时发生爆炸(克罗地亚国家运动恐怖组织声称对所有的死亡人员负责,只有一人除外),但最令人震惊的还有Vesna Vulovic的生还,她只是&颅骨、双腿和3节脊椎骨折而暂时瘫痪,术后她又能站立行走,偶尔还是会飞航班&她是吉尼斯自由落体纪录的保持者。

It was very claustrophobic and your vision is very limited.


The measures include surface-to-air missiles at the main stadiums and the deployment of 100,000 troops to deal with potential terrorist attacks.


And his team of more than 100 people have arrived in the evening on the 26th Mumbai, where he is staying the Royal Palm Hotel (the hotel is located 25 km away from downtown Mumbai's Hu about the beach; Editor's Note); terrorist attacks, they have been living in hotels, Wen Ting attack Events will be canceled before the scheduled visit of the trip, and so on, are now safer.


After monitoring a jihadist website, MI6 has discovered an evil al-Qaida plot to kill thousands in a huge holiday liner in the Caribbean with suicide bombs. The patrolling British Royal Navy frigate Iron Duke - whose crew includes Prince William - would run the risk of being caught in follow-up blasts aboard the liner.


Little is known about this rite of passage, and that alone would be cause for dread.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
