英语人>网络例句>人恐怖 相关的搜索结果


与 人恐怖 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But on one hand the momentum of the common impulse toward Smolensk drew each individual in the same direction.


With her book, Stowe created a sort of exposé that revealed the horrors of Southern slavery to people in the North.


Bush's mistake, overlooked for weeks, is buried in his stump speech - in the section where he makes a case that Saddam Hussein had links to terrorist groups.


In his works, he revealed people's horror towards supernature, nothingness, death, evil and disintegration of personality. He tried to demonstrate that horror originates from our soul.


The tawdriness of their public-relations tour, which has them climbing a cardboard Mount Suribachi to cheering crowds, proves more corrosive than the horrors of battle.


The Nahal Oz terminal, which supplies the Strip with commodities, remained shut due to the terror attacks on the Nahal Oz and Kerem Shalom crossings, during which five Israelis were killed.


I hate him. He went to terror and killed all those people.


Fifteen months ago, al-Qaida was using bases in Iraq to kill our troops and terrorize Iraqis.


Many of these individuals continue to freely and tranquilly walk the streets of that country, even after having been implicated in additional acts of terrorism against the citizens and interests of the United States, Cuba and other nations.


Qin says the 17 men are members of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, a group the United Nations lists as a terrorist organization.

秦刚说,这 17 人是东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动的成员;联合国将这个组织列为恐怖组织。

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The medicinal plant resources of Gentianaceae in Sichuan Province.


"Some fortuneteller," scoffed the man, I'm the father of THREE children.

" "一些算命",嘲笑他,"我的父亲有三个孩子。

There are over 90 universities and above 150 institutes to provide Bachelor or above.
