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与 人口统计地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At concretion means , these mostly adopt systematology route to proceed inquisition, on the basis of reference both here and abroad production, compare objectively analyses technological change with agriculture surplus labor transfer of compartment correlation, by the major premise of science and technology, handle science and technology philosophy, sociology, management science, statistics, economics, mathematical statistics, demography , and so on .compare overall systematically approach the feasibility, reliability, elementary path of agriculture surplus labor transfer under conditions of scientific-technical progress .


According to the data of Natality Statistics of Demographic Yearbook (2002) U. N., the author described and analyzed statistic characteristics and dynamic tendency of sex ratio at birth for different types of countries in the world recent two decades, which is to reflect the general pattern of SRB and provide the background and base for further recognizing ubnormal phenomenon of SRB in Chi


Study on the driving forces of land use/cover temporal-spatial change. On the basis of the systematical study on natural and social-ecomic factors including climate, population, technology and affluence status etc. during the past 50 years in this area, the multivariate statistics simulation models of LUCC were developed for two periods of 1950's-1980's and 1986-2000 respectively. Then, the Thiesson polygon method was used to the spatial allocation of soci-economic factors, thereby the spatial relationship between land use degree change and socieconomic factor variation was detected within GIS. Based on the analysis of the integrative characters in different geographical divisions, the electivity index was employed to describe the possible impacts of the natural landscape structure on spatial differentiation of land use transition. At last, correlation analysis between major roads and the distribution of land use change was made.


This data can be analyzed, quantified and summarized to clearly determine the demographics, psychographics and geographics of the customer base.


Instead, it embarked on its hubristic folly of annexing the Arab half of Jerusalem and—in defiance of law, demography and common sense—planting Jewish settlements in all the occupied territories to secure a Greater Israel.


Customer segmentation is a critical step to the success of target or segment marketing. The effectiveness of customer segmentation depends on a good number of variables such as customers' demographic, behavioral, geographic, and psychographic characteristics. However, the huge combinations and correlations among variables make customer segmentation a challenging task, even with the aids of information technologies. The industry is desperate for effectual and powerful tool for excavating customer knowledge from the large accumulated data in the corporate database management system.


The mechanism of consumer segmentation is based on demographic, psychographic factors such as age, ethnic background, value, belief and emotional subtlety. It seems no longer apt to probe for buyer's motivation. If we understand core groups precisely better, the "New Values"-driven approach will make them buy.


Based on GIS, this paper quantitatively analyses the relationship between population distribution and environmental factors including elevation, land use, road system and river system, and the relationship between population density and residential area density in Qinghai-Tibet plateau. These relationships lay a foundation for spatialization of population census data in the study area.


Despite the tyranny of Japan's shrinking demographics, it will be decades, if ever, before Mumbai or Mexico City dislodges Tokyo's crown.


This paper sets up demand mathematical model of highway based on statistical data of population, GDP and total length of highway and theory of production function,and quantify analyses relationship of highway density with population density and PGDP and its development. And research the population, economic and society of different degree affecting on highway, and the note worthily distributing rule of highway density and andlyses its reason by habit depend on index.


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On the other hand, the more important thing is because the urban housing is a kind of heterogeneity products.


Climate histogram is the fall that collects place measure calm value, cent serves as cross axle for a few equal interval, the area that the frequency that the value appears according to place is accumulated and becomes will be determined inside each interval, discharge the graph that rise with post, also be called histogram.


You rap, you know we are not so good at rapping, huh?
