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It is worth recalling that as late as 1800 one of every three men in the British Isles was Irishman.


There is no doubt that near-sightedness isa serious problem among the youth of our country.


Most significantly, liver cancer ranks 2nd in cause of cancer death for Asian and Pacific Islander men.


2 But there were still seven Israelite tribes who had not yet received their inheritance.

18:2 以色列人中其余的七个支派、还没有分给他们地业。

Jasper White is one of those rare people who believe in ancient myth s.


" Hong"…… is along with Qingdao for boat for Qingdao for big ringing, beauty resembling the on the water sailing ascending the big storm sink intoing the bottom of sea, satisfiedly through vicissitudes of life of a voice, change intoed the underwater city, a short moment, lightning flashes thunder the ming , storm rise everywhere, shot of dashing and crashing wave row coast, drown a door door house, blew to turn over the tower of a, peopled to painfully sad to want the desperate, thoroughly despair, in these persons, the husband and wife two depend on each other for life, wife yang jeremiad of day

" 哄"……随着一声声巨响,美丽的青岛就像在海上航行的小船遇上了大风暴沉入了海底,饱经沧桑的青岛,变为了水下城市,霎时间,电闪雷鸣,风暴四起,汹涌澎湃的海浪排击着海岸,淹没了一户户家,吹翻了一座座塔,人们悲痛欲绝,彻底绝望了,在这些人中,夫妻俩相依为命,妻子仰天悲叹

A great many old people came and knelt around us and prayed, old women with jet-black faces and braided hair, old men with work-gnarled hands.


You just jive in one big group, putting each other on, trying to top the last lineTime


If we need to choose the most lovely people in all kinds of vocation, I believe, no one is suitable than the jockey.


You will never get through that crowd of people; they are packed in there cheek by jowl .


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
