英语人>网络例句>产妇的 相关的搜索结果


与 产妇的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The case coming from: In January, 2005~2006 year in December post-natal making a house-call 214 at the beginning of parturient woman, discovered nipple chapping is 92 people, stochastically divides into it the observation group 46 people; Comparison group 46 people, two groups of ages between 25~36 year old, state of health not obvious difference.

Yolk oil; Outside applies; The post-natal nipple chaps乳头皲裂是发生于哺乳期妇女的一种常见病,尤其是初产妇更易发生,在2005年1月~2006年12月两年期间,产后访视214人有92人发生轻重程度不同的乳头皲裂。发生占42.99%。临床上主要表现为乳头皮肤细小裂隙。

Gallbladder carcinoma often locates in collum and body of gallbladder, pathologic histology type of gallbladder carcinoma is often adenocarcinoma, tumor can infiltrate along nerve bundle of gallbladder wall.


Reults there 90 pregnant and lying-in women positive for hiv in shenzhen city were detected, and 74 of them were acquired the infection through sexual activity, accounted for 82.2% including 57.8% of them frough extramarital sexual behavior.. there 82 perosons accepted the intervention by health institutions occupied 91.1%. vertical transmission occurred to casesand one of them died.

结果 深圳市共通过预防与控制艾滋病母婴传播项目途径发现90例hiv感染孕产妇,性途径传播74例,占82.2%,其中非婚性行为占57.8%;有82例接受卫生机构提供的干预措施,占91.1%,8人失访或回原籍;暂发现2例母婴传播病例,均为产后发现感染的产妇生产,其中1例已死亡。

Methods 41 parturients who had galactostasis were selected as subjects,per breast was given massaged for 30~45 minutes,then with short-wave therapy for 10~15 minutes once per day.


Obesity, nulliparity, increased age, the amount of alcohol consumed, and the number


The cervical os is small and round, typical for a nulliparous woman.


Methods We studied 975 nulliparous women who delivered between Jan 2008 and May 2008. Women were divided into four groups according to their prepregancy BMI: underweight group (n=93); normal weight group (n=604); overweight group (n=176) and obese group (n=102), we observed the relationship between the prepregnancy BMI with pregnant outcomes.


Results The natrural labor rate of nulliparous women was high of birth process diagram Type Ⅰ and Type Ⅱ and Cephalic presentation score above 12.The vaginal aid delivery rate of birth process diagram Type Ⅲ and TypeⅣ and cephalic presentation score from 10 to 11 was high. All of the Type V and score below 9 accepted cesarean Section.

结果 产程图为Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型和头位分娩评分在12分以上的自然分娩率高;产程图为Ⅲ、Ⅳ型和头位分娩评分在11分的产妇阴道助产分娩率明显增高;产程图为V型和头位分娩评分在9分以下者全部采用了剖宫产。

We did not find a difference in the need for top-updoses in parous patients; however, CSE provided better analgesiain the first 30 min compared to EPID.

经产妇 CSE 与 EPID 两种方法中需求追加剂量方面无显著差异;但 CSE 较 EPID 在镇痛最初的30分钟提供了更好的镇痛效果。

Methods The present study is a randomized comparative clinical trial. 607 healthy parous women were randomly allocated into GyneFix IN group (n=302) or TCu 380A group (n=305). IUD was inserted during the menstrual interval by the trained investigators. Follow-up were arranged at 1,3,6 and 12 months after insertion. The discontinuation rates were calculated by life table method.

采用随机对比性多中心临床研究方法,对607例健康经产妇女由经过培训的专人以随机方法于月经间期放置GyneFix IN IUD 320例(GyneFix IN组)及TCu 380A IUD 305例(TCu 380A组),于放器后1、3、6和12个月随访,以生命表法统计两种IUD的终止情况。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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