英语人>网络例句>亚种 相关的搜索结果


与 亚种 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the species group: each of two or more available specific or subspecific names having the same spelling, or spellings deemed under Article 58 to be the same, and established for different nominal taxa, and either originally or subsequently combined with the same generic name Art.


A mark,-, used for punctuation and for joining together.(1) two parts of a compound specific or subspecific name if the first part is a single Latin letter [Art.], or (2) the first two words of an expression if used to modify a third (e.g. genus-group names, contrasting with names of the genus group).

一种符号,用作标点,或者把(1)一个复合的种本名或亚种本名的两个部分连接起来,如果第一部分为单一拉丁文字母[第32条5.2.4.3],或(2)把两个字连接起来,如果该二字的涵意是用来修饰第三个字(例如genus-group names对照於names ofthe genus group)。

A syntype designated as the single name-bearing type specimen subsequent to the establishment of a nominal species or subspecies Art.


This result indicates that CentC is highly conserved among the subspecies of Z. mays and the species of Zea, and has high conservation in Tripsacum, a genus that is most closely related to Zea, and CRM is conserved among the species of grass family either closely or distantly related to Zea.


In order to analyze the conservation of maize centromeric satellite DNA and centromeric retrotransposon in the subspecies and relatives of Zea mays, dual fluorescence in situ hybridization was used to detect the existence and distribution of the above two repetitive sequences in Zea mays ssp. mexicana, Z. diploperennis, Z. perennis, Tripsacum dactyloides, Coix lacryma-jobi, and Sorghum bicolor.


Although often referred to as the pygmy chimpanzee, pygmy is a misnomer because the body weight of the bonobo is, on average, the same or slightly less than that of the eastern common chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes schweinfurthi ).

虽然它们经常被称为侏儒黑猩猩,其实&侏儒&一词用的不当,因为倭黑猩猩的体重大体上同东非亚种黑猩猩(拉丁语Pan troglodytes schweinfurthi)一样或者稍微轻一点。

Three primer pairs located in psbA~trnK, psbB~psbH and trnR-ACG~trnN-GUU regions were applied in phylogenetic analysis according to Maximum parsimony and Neighbor-joining methods. The consistent results between the phylogenetic analysis and taxonomy indicated the application potential of the three primer pairs in phylogenetic analysis and species identification. However, due to no sequence variation observed in amplified regions between two vegetable soybean varieties (KS5 and KS8), two cowpea subspecies (Vigna unguiculata ssp. cylindrica and Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis), and among three rice varieties (TNG67, TK9, and TCS10), the three primer pairs are not effective in identifying variation within species.


The research found there is a high genomic similarity between the giant panda and the dog. It also supported the view of most scientists that the giant panda may be a subspecies of Ursidae.


Any cat-like, carnivorous mammal of the subfamily Viverrinae that secrets a yellowish, unctuous substance with a strong musk-like odor.


The difference increased progressively from the end of the foreleg to the body of Vulpes. The individuals of these two subspecies had the same gradient increasing tendency.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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